Amazon Customer phone number anonymization



  • Official comment
    Ryen M.

    Hi Eugene, 

    Sorry to hear you are still having issues with this. I am going to create a new ticket for you and reach out directly. Thank you for your patience, talk to you soon!

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    Joel Parrish

    It is actually a 5 digit extension.

    Shipworks is truncating the extension.  Due to the 25 character field limit.

    +1 ##-###-### ext. #####

    If shipworks could ignore the leading +1 and the space.  Then replace the ext. with "x" it would help us out.

    The short term fix for us would be to expand the phone number field from 25 characters to say 30 characters.

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    Nathan H.

    2 simplistic routes (simplistic being relative your knowledge) would be:

    • create a custom trigger on the table to check any new inserts and run a replace query.


    • create a SQL Query file with the same replace query and run it in the Task Scheduler using a Batch Script.
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    Nathan H.

    Or just increase the size of the column if you believe that will fix it, [BillPhone] is nvarchar(25) by default and ShipPhone is nvarchar(20) by default.
    Increasing this will not hurt anything, you could even change it to MAX if you want.

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    Joel Parrish

    While this would work for our purposes.

    We would have to cross reference the Amazon order ID with a separate order file downloaded from Amazon.

    The issue remains that Shipworks is only pulling in a 25 character string for the phone number field when Amazon is now supplying a 26 character field with their silly Anonymized Phone Numbers that they are now providing.  And I can only imagine that Amazon extension string will outgrow the 5 digit extension that they currently provide.





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    Nathan H.

    Just increase the size of the column and that will fix the issue.

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    Eugene Wright

    Amazon phone number extensions do not download correctly. The last digit is missing / cut off.

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    Joel Parrish

    We are still having the same issue as well.


    Please help us to fix the issue.  


    Thank you.

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