Need ability to add "Ship by Date"



  • Official comment
    Bill K.

    Kay, thank you for your suggestion.  At this time, The only way that information can be brought into ShipWorks is if Etsy does an adjustment on their side.  We connect to them through their API and can only bring over what they give us.  They will need to modify the API to send us that piece of information.  

    Thank you and Happy Shipping,
    Bill Krejci
    Senior Technical Support Representative
    One Memorial Drive, 20th Floor, St. Louis, MO 63102 | Facebook | Twitter | 1-800-952-7784

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    Dave Burnett

    Hi William, I have the same need but my marketplaces provide "ship by" dates. Is there a way to import these and make them searchable/sort-able?

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    Akeesha Holder

    This is the thing I miss most about Shipstation - I could set a filter to automatically add a ship by date to new orders. So, new orders automatically got set to "due" in 21 days (or whatever I made it)

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    Nathan H.

    I've developed an add on for this exact use if anyone interested.

    It inserts the Ship by date into one of the "Custom" Fields.

    It determines that date by first, using the processing/handling time for that marketplace (usually 1 or 2 days) then looking at the RequestedShipping field to see if data exists there. If data exists then I have mapped all the possibilities and converted them into Integers. If data does not exists for requestedShipping we have it set to default 2.

    Then the formula goes like this; ShipByDate = OrderDate +  HandlingTime + RequestedShipping

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    Akeesha Holder

    I would love it, Nathan. All of my orders come through Etsy, and my processing time is around 6 weeks because each one takes 100 hours to make, but I also sell other items which only have a 14 day turnaround.

    It becomes a hassle when I've got hundreds of multiple orders to make.

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    Nathan H.

    Since I have posted this publicly, I would like to make sure that Shipworks is ok with the sharing of Custom add-on's to their software.

    I don't want to violate their Terms of Service.

    Lets wait to hear back from them on this thread or if I get a response to my private message I'm about to send I will update you.

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    Akeesha Holder

    Hey Nathan, 


    Did you hear back from them?
    This is seriously driving me insane, to the point I may have to go back to my last service, but I would prefer to stay with Shipworks. 
    Hoping you got the okay :)

    If not, perhaps you could direct me to what you modified. I'm no programmer and my XSLT experience is limited but I can generally limp my way through if I figure out where to start.

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    Nathan H.


    Sorry for the late response.

    They reached out today.

    I will let you know what they say.

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    Akeesha Holder

    Thanks, Nathan.

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