Download address change info?
Is there a way to download or otherwise access information regarding addresses that have been edited either automatically through the AVS or manually? I know the info is available in the audit logs, but there are thousands of entries and it isn't practical to click each one to see what the log is. Can the audit data be downloaded into a more useful format perhaps?
We failed to keep track of all of the addresses that were changed in ShipWorks last season, and those changes were never updated in our store so the bad addresses continue to overwrite the fixed ones each time that customer orders. Any advice on getting access to those changes would be greatly appreciated!
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Hi Michael,
Viewing a list of these audits would be awesome for this! Currently this is not a feature but I am going to do some research to see what we can do for you. I will be reaching out shortly via support ticket to address this request.
On a side note, we do have a feature called Customer Updating that you might not want turned on. I personally think it is a great feature, but your your sake it sounds like the feature just doesn't flow right with your operations. If you go to manage>settings>advanced>you can find a section called Customer Updating. To never update customer information, you could set the settings to this:
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