
Kenneth Lawrence

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Recent activity by Kenneth Lawrence Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Custom Fields over REST (Magento 2)

    How can one bring in custom data on orders on a Magento 2 store? For example, a comment left by a customer, the subtotal, or any other field that might be associated to an order. These would be col...

  • Custom Fields over REST (Magento 2)

    How do we bring in custom fields, like Order Comment, or box name (we are using ShipperHQ to pack various containers). Or, how about "Subtotal." It's highly embarassing that there isn't even a subt...

  • filter atttribute "subtotal"

    Hi - Often we want to reward customers based on their subtotal, not their total. We couldn't care less about how much they spend on shipping and tax, as that is just a pass through. It's a simple m...