Update Shipping Rules: Change the Automatically Applied Carrier & Service
It may become necessary to update your existing shipping rules so that they automatically apply different carriers or services to your shipments. For example, you may wish to update your existing shipping rules when switching from one carrier to another carrier as your main shipping provider or when changing the service used to ship a specific group of products.
This article will guide you through updating your Shipping Rules to apply a different default shipping carrier and services to your shipments.
This article assumes:
You have at least one Shipping profile and Shipping Rule created in ShipWorks
You have a basic understanding of Shipping Profiles and Shipping Rules
You are logged in to ShipWorks as a user with rights to update Profiles and Rules
Click on the Manage tab and then on the Shipping Settings button.
Verify that the General option is selected on the left. Then, select the new default shipping provider from the Use Provider drop-down menu.
Click Close to save your changes.
See Configure the Default Shipping Provider for a more detailed guide.
Shipping Profiles allow you to create and save sets of your most commonly used shipping settings for the default carrier. These defaults, or profiles, are automatically applied to shipments by the Shipping Rules you define.
For example, when using USPS as your default carrier, you may create one profile for USPS Priority Mail, a profile for USPS Ground Advantage, and so on. Later, when configuring your Shipping Rules, you could create a rule that applies the Priority Mail profile to shipments weighing one pound or more, a rule to apply USPS Ground Advantage for packages weighing less than one pound, and so on.
Follow the steps in the Provider Based Profile section of our Adding Profiles to ShipWorks help article for detailed steps on creating Shipping Profiles.
Shipping Rules tell ShipWorks when to apply specific Shipping Profiles to specific shipments. For example, you could have a rule that tells ShipWorks to apply the USPS Ground Advantage profile to any shipment weighing less than one pound and another to apply the USPS Priority Mail profile to shipments weighing one pound or more.
Follow the steps in the Shipping Rules: Automatically Apply the Requested Shipping Service help article for detailed steps on how to create Shipping Rules for your default shipping carrier.
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