Introduction to Shipping Rules
Configure ShipWorks to automate shipments based on your business logic using Shipping Rules. Rules filter for specific orders and then automatically apply carrier-specific service options by applying Shipping Profiles to those filtered orders. Shipping Rules save you time by automating the entry of shipment details when shipping orders.
For example, if you have products that always ship via USPS Priority Mail, you could create a Shipping Rule that finds any orders with the specific products and that automatically sets the shipping service to USPS Priority Mail for those orders when shipping them.
Another option might be to filter orders based upon the order's requested shipping method and to have ShipWorks automatically apply the correct shipping method and service to those orders.
Creating Shipping Rules:
Ensures accuracy
Reduces errors
Minimizes the number of mouse clicks when configuring shipments
Saves you time and money
When creating a Shipping Rule you are telling ShipWorks: "Find all of the orders <that meet these conditions>, then apply <this set of shipping settings> when I ship those orders."
Shipping Rules are made up of two parts:
The Filter locates the orders that meet your user-defined conditions. As an example, a Filter may be configured to locate all orders that contain products with specific SKUs or to locate orders that have a specific requested shipping option.
The Profile defines the specific shipping settings that will be applied when shipping the orders in the specified Filter. For example, a Profile could be created to automatically apply the shipping carrier and service, set the package dimensions, enter the weight, insure the package, and more for the orders in the filter.
Shipping Rules in ShipWorks look like this:

Shipping Rules are carrier specific and are created at the carrier level.
Since Shipping Rules are created at the carrier level the shipping options available when creating the Profile will be specific to the carrier. For example, when creating a Shipping Rule for USPS you will be able to apply shipping settings specific to shipping with USPS.
It is possible to create multiple Shipping Rules for each shipping provider. If an order meets the filter conditions for more than one Shipping Rule, ShipWorks applies ALL of the rules in order. First, the default shipping rules are applied and then ShipWorks continues through the list of Shipping Rules and applies each rule. Each time a rule is read and applied, it overwrites the previously applied rules.
Shipping Rules can include filters that search for orders based upon multiple criteria. You can filter orders for item information, weight, quantities of items on the orders, shipping addresses, and much more. You can also include ALL and ANY logic when configuring filters to make them as flexible as possible.
View Order Details
Here's a tip. It may be useful to view specific order details when creating your shipping rules so that you can be certain you are filtering for the correct criteria in order to locate the order(s).
Add or remove columns on the Orders Grid so that the information that you need is visible. Here's how:
Click the View tab and then the Grid Columns button.
Check the box for any columns you would like displayed in the orders grid. Uncheck any that you would like removed.

The best way to learn how to create a Shipping Rule is to get hands-on and walk through the process. Check out the help article listed below. By following the steps in the article you will learn:
How to add a shipping rule to a specific carrier.
When adding the rule, how to create the Filter associated to the Shipping Rule.
How to create a Shipping Profile and associate it to the Shipping Rule.
How Shipping Rules are automatically applied when shipping.
Keep in mind that the help article listed below will only introduce you to creating Shipping Rules. However, after creating the Rule (or just reviewing the article) you will have a good understanding of how Shipping Rules work and will be able to apply that knowledge when creating the Shipping Rules for your business's shipping workflow.
Automatically Apply the Requested Shipping Service - This is a basic rule designed to filter orders based upon the Requested Shipping method associated to orders and then to apply the correct shipping carrier and service to the orders when shipping.
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