Powersport Support: Add a Store
Table of Contents
First Things First
The Process
Configuring Powersport Support to Connect to ShipWorks
Adding Your Powersport Support Store to ShipWorks
ShipWorks connects directly to your Powersport Support account via its Generic Module integration option. With one click, or on an automated schedule, your orders are downloaded from Powersport Support. As soon as you process a shipment, ShipWorks communicates the updated order status, shipping method and tracking information back to Powersport Support.
This article will guide you through the steps to connect your Powersport Support store to the ShipWorks software.
First Things First
Before continuing there are a few things you will need:
1. You will need to have you Powersport Support admin username and password available.
2. You will also need to have ShipWorks installed and to be logged into ShipWorks as a user with admin rights.
The Process
Configure Webstore Settings for ShipWorks
1. Log on to your Powersport Support admin panel. This can usually be found at http://yourstore.powersupport.com, substituting "yourstore" with the name of your online store.
2. Once logged in to your PowerSport admin panel, click on the Marketplaces menu and then select Webstore Settings.
3. Scroll to find the ShipWorks section.
ShipWorks connects to your store using a special module. This section controls the username and password associated to your module.
You will need to create your username and password. So, enter the username and password that you wish to use to connect your store to the ShipWorks software.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save. You are now ready to enter this information into ShipWorks.
Adding Your Powersport Support Store to ShipWorks
1. Launch the ShipWorks application and log in as a user with administrator permissions.
2. Click on the Manage tab. Then, click the Stores button.
3. Next, click on the Add Store button.
4. From the What Platform do you sell on? drop-down menu, select Powersport Support. Then, click Next.
5. Enter the ShipWorks Username: and Password: you set for your module (in the previous section above). You will also need to enter your Module URL:.
The format of your module URL is: yourstore.powersportsupport.com/ship_works. Change yourstore to your store's name. If our store is named ShipWorks, the module URL is http://shipworks.powersupport.com/ship_works. It is important that the /ship_works appears at the end of your module url (this is what ShipWorks uses to connect to your store).
6. Once this information is entered, click Next.
Great! You are connected. Now, you will need to fill out a few more screens.
7. On the Store Information screen, enter your Store Name: and Address:. Then, click Next.
8. Enter the additional Contact Information: for your store. Then, click Next.
Note: This information is optional.
9. Select how much order history you would like to download into ShipWorks during your initial download. The default is to download 30 Days of order history into ShipWorks. You can modify this by clicking on the Edit link.
10. Verify that the settings for When the shipment is processed: are correct. Typically, you would leave the checkbox for Update my online orders with the shipment details checked.
11. Click Next and then Finish. Then, click Close.
Your Powersport Support orders will begin to download into ShipWorks automatically.
Still Need Help?
Please feel free to reach out to one of our awesome Technical Support Representatives in St. Louis. We are happy to help.
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