Pricefalls: Importing Orders into ShipWorks
Using the ShipWorks Generic File Import feature, you can configure ShipWorks to import your Pricefalls orders so that you can utilize all of the awesome features of the ShipWorks software. You can also configure ShipWorks to export your shipment information so that it can easily be imported back into Pricefalls.
There are a couple of things that you will need to have in place prior to beginning the process of mapping your file to the ShipWorks software:
1. You will need a Pricefalls order file that you wish to import into ShipWorks. The file will need to include at least one order.
If you are unsure how to export your orders from Pricefalls please reach out to the Pricefalls support team. They will be happy to show you how.
2. In addition to having your file available to you, you will need to have a unique folder or directory available in which you will place the order files to be imported into ShipWorks. This can be a folder on your ShipWorks computer, a folder on a network drive, an FTP location or even an incoming email. This directory needs to be used only for the importing of your Pricefalls orders into ShipWorks. For this example, we will be pulling our orders from folder located on the C:\ drive. We will take a look at how to set this up next.
3. You will need to download and save the 2016 pricefalls map.swcsvm file attached to the end of this article. Be sure to save the file to an easily accessible location. You will need to access this file later in this article.
Mapping your Pricefalls file to ShipWorks can be broken down into the following steps:
1. Creating the folders or directories from which you will import the file(s).
2. Selecting the type of file to import
3. Pointing ShipWorks to the folder or directory.
4. Selecting the import file you will use to create your mapping.
5. Mapping the fields in your file to the fields in ShipWorks using the attached mapping file. (located at the bottom of this article)
6. Importing your orders.
ShipWorks can import from your PC, from a network location, FTP directory or even pull from an email. In this example we will be pulling our orders from a .csv file located in a folder located on the C:\ drive. A network share drive is useful if you are running multiple ShipWorks computers and would like for more than one of them to be able to import the order files. If you only have one ShipWorks PC, you will create a folder on that PC.
We want to have a unique directory from which only ShipWorks orders are imported. If any other files are placed in this directory you may encounter errors in ShipWorks and unexpected behavior may occur.
1. In Windows, navigate to the location at which you would like to create your ShipWorks Import folder. Again, this can be a network share or just a folder in My Documents or on your Desktop.
2. Create a new folder at this location and name it ShipWorks Import. (You can name the folder whatever name you would like, really.)
3. Open the ShipWorks Import folder. Create a new Folder in the ShipWorks Import folder and name it Complete.
This folder is used to store the files that are successfully imported into ShipWorks so that you can refer back to them if needed.
4. Now, copy the file containing your Pricefalls orders into the ShipWorks Import folder.
The name of your file does not matter. It can be named whatever makes sense to you. Once the orders are imported into ShipWorks, ShipWorks will move the file into the Complete folderand append the file name with the import date and time.
Great! Now, you are ready to begin working in the ShipWorks application.
1. If you have not done so, launch the ShipWorks application.
2. Inside of ShipWorks, click on the Manage tab and then click on the Stores button.
3. On the Manage Stores screen, click on the Add Store button.
4. From the What platform do you sell on? menu, select Generic - File. Then, click Next.
5. Now, select CSV / Text from the What type of file will ShipWorks be importing: option. Then, click Next.
6. Next, we need to tell ShipWorks from where we are pulling our data. From the Import the data from: menu select A folder on your computer or network.
For this example we are using a folder located in a folder on the C:\ drive. The FTP and email options are outside of the scope of this article.
7. We can now define from where we want to pull our data. We can also define where to move the successfully imported file to and how to handle any errors that may occur during import.
7a. Click on the Browse button located under the Import the data from: section.
7b. Navigate to and select the ShipWorks Import folder we created in the Creating the Import Folder section above. Then, click OK.
Note: You have options available for:
Only import file names that match this pattern - Used to tell ShipWorks to only import files that match a defined naming pattern.
Skip files names that match this pattern - Used to tell ShipWorks to skip importing any files that match a defined naming pattern.
We will not select either of these options since we are using this folder ONLY for files that will be imported into ShipWorks and the files will always be named the same.
Now, let's tell ShipWorks to where the successfully imported file should be moved. (Remember that we created the Complete folder earlier?)
8a. Click on the Browse button located in the After a successful import: section.
8b. Navigate to the Complete folder that we created in the previous section. Then, click OK.
Note: You do have the option of having the file deleted after a successful import.
There are two options that you can select from for when an error occurs while importing an import file. Let's take a look at them:
Stop importing and display the error - When an error occurs, ShipWorks will not move the file, but instead will stop importing and pop up a message to help you determine the cause of the error.
Move the file and continue importing - ShipWorks will not stop importing the file and will move the file to the Complete folder once finished. However, this may cause orders to be missed in ShipWorks since it skips the order or data that caused the error.
9. From the If an error occurs while importing: drop-down menu, select the option that works best for you. In this example, we are leaving the default to stop and display an error.
10. Click Next.
Nice job! We are now ready to import the mapping file. This file will tell ShipWorks how to import your Pricefalls orders and how to store the order information in ShipWorks.
1. If you have not done so already, download and save the 2016 pricefalls map.swcsvm file (attached to the end of this article). Be sure to save the file to an easily accessible location, but do not save this file to the newly created folder from where you will import..
2. On the Import Map screen, click the Load Map... button.
3. Navigate to and select the 2016 pricefalls map.swcsvm file you downloaded in step 1 of this section. Then, click Open. Once the file is imported successfully, click Next.
4. On the Store Information screen, enter your Store Name: and Address:. Then, click Next.
5. Enter the additional Contact Information: for your store. Then, click Next.
Note: This information is optional.
6. On the Setup Complete screen, click Finish. Then, click Close. ShipWorks will automatically import your order file.
That's it!! You are set up to import your Pricefalls order files into ShipWorks.
1. Importing additional Pricefalls orders is easy. Place any additional Pricefalls order files into the ShipWorks Import folder you created earlier in this article. Every 15 minutes, ShipWorks automatically checks for and imports new order files. You can also click on the Home tab and then click the Download button to have ShipWorks immediately check the import folder for new files and download new orders.
2. If, for any reason, you need to review any of the order files that were imported into ShipWorks, they can be reviewed in the Complete folder that you created earlier in this article (unless you’ve configured ShipWorks to delete the files once downloaded).. The files are appended with the date and time the file was imported so that you can easily identify the file.
ShipWorks can be configured to easily export your shipment information for orders you ship in ShipWorks so that the shipment information can be updated in Pricefalls. Please see this article for detailed instructions on how to configure and run the export. for detailed instructions on how to configure and run the export.
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Please feel free to reach out to one of our awesome Technical Support Representatives in St. Louis. We are happy to help.
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