Solid Commerce: Add a Store in ShipWorks
Solid Commerce helps you easily sell on multiple marketplaces including eBay, Amazon, Rakuten and more. The cloud-based platform synchronizes inventory across all your sales channels and consolidates multi-marketplace orders for easy fulfilment.
ShipWorks connects directly to your Solid Commerce store. With one click, or on an automated schedule, your orders are downloaded from Solid Commerce. As soon as you process a shipment, ShipWorks communicates the updated order status, shipping method and tracking information back to Solid Commerce.
Before you connect Solid Commerce to ShipWorks there are a few things you will need:
Your Solid Commerce administrator Username and Password and the SolidCommerce module url. Before you add the store within ShipWorks, contact your SolidCommerce representative to obtain some custom actions and your Module URL information. Let them know that you want to add your Solid Commerce store to ShipWorks and they should be able to give you the information you need. Once you have your Module URL and any other information the Solid Commerce rep specifies, you can proceed to add your store in ShipWorks.
You will need to be logged into ShipWorks as a user with administrator rights.
After reaching out to SolidCommerce to ensure you have the correct information (see the First Things First section):
3. Enter you SolidCommerce administrator Username:,Password, and Module URL: . Then, click Next.
Great! You are connected. Now, you will need to fill out a few more screens.
1. On the Store Information screen, enter your Store Name: and Address:. Then, click Next.
2. Enter the additional Contact Information: for your store. Then, click Next.
Note: This information is optional.
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