What are Filters?
What are Filters?
Filters provide ways to organize orders and streamline ShipWorks to help direct your workflow. Filters are used by ShipWorks to find and display orders that meet criteria that you decide upon. You can have any number of filters available for use at any given time. Filters do not actually contain any orders. They are just specific displays or views of the orders in your database. Each filter is configured with rules that determine what is visible. Anytime an order meets the rules of a filter, you can see the order in that filter. This means that one order could meet the criteria for more than one filter. Imagine that you had two filters: one dedicated to all orders with an item called “red shirt," and another separate filter for orders shipped to zip code “63102”. If someone ordered a red shirt shipped to 63102, the order would appear in both filters.
Filters are also the backbone of automated shipping rules and printing, so you'll also read about filters when you learn how to create shipping rules for printing.
What Filters are Available? As of version 4.2, released in August 2015, ShipWorks will automatically create the most commonly used filters for you after you add in your stores. You can also configure any custom filter you might need. The default filters are:
Orders by destination
All U.S.
US Residential
US Commercial
US Military
US Territories
Orders by age
last 7 days
last 30 days
last 90 days
Orders by store-specific statuses
will vary depending on the store platform and statuses configured on the store
Customers who've spent over $100
Customers who have placed more than one order
How do I Create Custom Filters?
Check out our Introduction to Filters help article for some filter examples and step by step instructions. Once you learn how to create one basic filter, it is relatively easy to create new ones.
Still Need Help?
Please feel free to reach out to one of our awesome Technical Support Representatives in St. Louis. We are happy to help.
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