Filtering Split Orders
ShipWorks version 5.21 or later allows you to split orders. This article will guide you through how to create a filter that will help you identify which orders were split in ShipWorks.
1. In ShipWorks, click on the Manage tab and then on the Filters button.
2. Click the New Filter button.
3. Name the filter. Then, select the location where you would like the filter to appear from the Select the folder to put the new filter in: list. Click Next.
In our example, we are naming the filter Split Orders.
4. Click on the Add Condition (button. A new line Order Total Equals $0.00 will appear.
5. Click on the blue text Order Total and select Order Entry Method Combined / Split.
6. You now have a line which reads Combined Equals None. Leave Equals as is. Click on the None drop-down menu and select Split.
7. Click Next, then Finish, then Close.
You now have a Split Orders filter in the Filters Panel.
If you wish to see only those split orders that have not yet been shipped, you can edit the filter. Here's how:
1. Right click on the Split Orders filter and select Edit.
2. Click the Add Condition button to add a second condition. It will read Order total equals $0.00.
3. Click on the blue text Order Total and select Order Local Status.
4. Click on the green text Equals and select Does Not Equal.
5. Click the drop-down menu and select Shipped.
The filter should now look like this:
6. Click OK.
The Split Orders filter now only lists orders that have been split and how not yet been shipped.
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