FedEx: Ship Alcohol or Dry Ice
Shipping alcohol or dry ice with FedEx require specific label types to be printed. When you process a shipment in ShipWorks and indicate that the shipment includes alcohol or dry ice, ShipWorks will send the information electronically to FedEx and the appropriate label type will be returned and printed, as required by FedEx.
This article will guide you through how to include alcohol and dry ice in FedEx shipments and assumes that you are familiar with the basic shipping functionality of ShipWorks. Learn more about how to ship domestic orders and how to ship international orders in ShipWorks.
Select the order, then click on the Home tab and then on the Ship Orders button.
Ensure that FedEx is selected as the Provider and the Service tab is selected. Then, scroll down to the Other Package Details section.
Select or enter the appropriate information.
Alcohol: Check the box for This package contains alcohol. .
Dry Ice: Enter the weight of dry ice in the package into the Dry Ice Weight: field. The weight of the dry ice will be added to the overall package weight.
Merchants who wish to ship alcohol with FedEx must be enrolled in the FedEx Alcohol Shipping Program.
Not all FedEx services allow for shipping alcohol. When a service is selected in ShpWorks that does not support shipping alcohol, the Other Package Details section may not be displayed.
There are many rules and regulations surrounding shipping alcohol and dry ice:
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