Filtering Orders by Ship Date
ShipWorks gives you the ability to filter orders that have labels processed and that have a specific ship date. This may be useful when you have processed orders on a given day that contain more than one Ship Date and need a way to identify which orders have which Ship Date associated to them.
This article will guide you through how to create a filter that will show all orders with a Ship Date of 'today', how to modify the Ship Date within the filter, and how to print a list of orders displayed in the filter.
Detailed steps are below the video.
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2. Click on the New Filter button in the Filter Organizer window.
3. Give the filter a name by entering the name into the Filter Name: field. (For this example, we will be naming the filter Ship Date = Today.) Then, select the folder in which you would like the filter to be displayed in the filters pane. Click Next.
4. Click on the Add Condition button ( ). A new line will be displayed: Order Total Equals $0.00.
5. Click on the blue text Order Total and select For Any Shipment.... A new line will be displayed: For any shipment in the order...
6. Click on the second Add Condition button ( ). A new line will display: Provider Equals None.
7. Click on the blue text Provider and select Ship Date.
8. Click on the green text Equals and select Is Today.
9. Click on the second Add Condition button ( ) again. A second line will be displayed: Provider Equals none.
10. Click on the blue word Provider and select Processed Status.
11. Click on the Not Processed drop-down menu and select Processed.
Your filter conditions should now match the below screenshot.
12. Click the Next button, the Finish button, and then the Close button.
You now have a filter that, when selected, will display all of the orders that have processed shipments with a Ship Date of 'today' (the current date).
You can modify the filter so that it contains orders that were processed today but have a different Ship Date. This may be useful if you processed shipments after a shipment cutoff time and have orders that contain a future Ship Date.
1. Right click on the filter you created in the above steps and select Edit.
2. In the Filter Editor, locate the line Ship Date Is Today. Click on the green text Is Today and select Equals.
3. Enter the Ship Date for the orders that you would like to filter. Click OK.
The filter now displays orders that have processed shipments and that have a Ship Date of the date you just entered.
It is possible to print a list of the orders currently listed in the filter you created in the above steps. Here's how:
1. Select the filter you created in the above steps.
2. Select all of the orders listed in the main orders grid by checking the box to the left of each order. You can also select one order and then press CTRL + A on your keyboard to automatically select all of the orders.
3. With the orders still selected, click on the Output tab and then on the Print button.
4. Select the Reports Order Status report from the list of templates.
5. Select the printer to which you would like to print the report from the Printer: drop-down menu. Then, click Print.
A report will print to the printer you selected.
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