Filtering Combined Orders
ShipWorks allows you to combine two or more orders into a single combined order, making it easy to ship multiple orders to the same address. This article will guide you through how to create a filter that will catch any newly combined orders. Then, after a combined order is shipped, the order will leave the filter.
2. Click the New Filter button.
3. Name the filter. Then, select the location where you would like the filter to appear from the Select the folder to put the new filter in: list. Click Next.
In our example, we are naming the filter Combined Orders and placing it into our Rithum store filter.
4. Click on the Add Condition button. A new line Order Total Equals $0.00 will appear.
5. Click on the blue text Order Total and select Order Entry Method Combined.
6. You now have a line that reads Combined Equals None. Leave Equals as is. Click on the None drop-down menu and select Combined.
7. Next, let's specify that we only wish to see unshipped orders in this filter. Click on the Add Condition button again. A second Order Total Equals $0.00 line will appear.
8. Click on Order Total and select Order Local Status.
9. Click on the green word Equals and select Does Not Equal.
10. Click on the drop-down arrow and select Shipped from the list of statuses.
Your filter should now look like this:
11. Click the Next button, click Finish, then click Close.
That's it. You now have a filter that will hold your newly combined orders until you process a shipping label for them.
You might also wish to have ShipWorks automatically print a new packing slip or invoice for your combined orders.
Automatically Print a Packing Slip or Invoice for Combined Orders
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