Filter eBay Guaranteed Delivery Orders
ShipWorks supports eBay Guaranteed Delivery by giving you the ability to filter for orders that are flagged by the eBay Guaranteed Delivery program.
This article will guide you through how to enable the Guaranteed Delivery column on the main Orders Grid in ShipWorks and how to create a filter to sort Guaranteed Delivery orders from non Guaranteed Delivery orders.
For more information about the eBay Guaranteed Delivery Program, please visit the eBay Introducing Guaranteed Delivery page.
Let's take a look at how to add the Guaranteed Orders column to the orders grid in ShipWorks so that you can easily identify orders that require guaranteed delivery. The Guaranteed Delivery field is a simple Yes/No field which identifies whether or not the order requires guaranteed delivery.
2. Locate the Guaranteed Delivery (eBay) option in the Column Order and Visibility section and check the box to the left of it to make it visible in the orders grid.

3. If you wish to change the order that the columns appear on the orders grid, select the column you wish to move in the Column Order and Visibility section, then click on the Move Up or Move Down buttons.

4. Click OK.

The Guaranteed Delivery column is now visible in the orders grid.
Did you know? ... that you can sort on any grid column simply by clicking on the column heading? You can. Give it a try.

Now, let's take a look at how to create a filter that will show all Guaranteed Delivery orders flagged as Yes that are ready to ship. Since there is already a Ready to Ship filter in ShipWorks, we will copy it and use it as a base for our new filter.
2. Select the Ready to Ship filter from the list of filters on the Filter Organizer screen. Then, click the Copy button.

3. Verify that your eBay store's folder is selected and then click OK.

4. Select the Ready to Ship (Copy) filter and click the Edit button.

5. Rename the filter. For this example, we will name the filter Ready to Ship - Guaranteed.

6. At the top of the Condition tab, click on the green Add Condition button. A new line will appear that says Order Total Equals $0.00.

7. Click on the blue text Order Total and select Order eBay Guaranteed Delivery. The line will change to read eBay Guaranteed Delivery Equals No.

8. Click on the No drop-down menu and select Yes.

9. Your filter should now look like this:

10. Click the OK button. Then, click Close.
You now have a filter that will show you all eBay orders that qualify for Guaranteed Delivery that are ready to ship.

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