Importing Products from a File
ShipWorks allows you to easily import your product catalog. This article will guide you through how to import your product information using the sample file attached to this article.
Product details associated to items in the Product Catalog, by default, do not show up on printed Packing Slips or Invoices. However, your ShipWorks invoice or packing slip template can be modified to use the information associated to products stored in the Product Catalog.
If you intend to include inventory counts associated to products in your product catalog, please stop here and check out how to import products directly into The ShipWorks Hub.
Before you begin, please be sure that:
Your product catalog is in the proper format to be imported into ShipWorks. (Instructions below)
To import products you must first be in the Product Catalog in ShipWorks. Here's how:
1. Click on the Products tab.

Next, download the sample file. Using the sample file will ensure that your product catalog is in the proper format to be imported into ShipWorks. To download the file:
This sample file does not include the ability to include inventory counts. If you intend to use ShipWorks internal inventory feature, please see the article on importing products and inventory into The ShipWorks Hub.
1. While on the Products tab, click on the Add button and select From File.

2. Click on the sample products file link.

3. Navigate to the location on your computer where you would like to save the file. Then, click the Save button.

The file will be saved to the location you specify as a .CSV (comma delimited file).
Configure your product file so that it matches the format of the Sample file you downloaded in the previous steps.
The column headings in the Sample file remain unaltered.
Begin entering your products into ROW 3 of the ProductImport_Sample.csv file.
Product information is entered into the appropriate columns and in the correct format using the information below.
Fields marked with * are required.
If there is a product in your import file with the same SKU as a product already in your ShipWorks database the imported product file will over-write the values for that product in ShipWorks. It is important to note that blank values for a SKU in your import file will update the product in ShipWorks to be blank as well.
* SKU |
Unique identifier for the product, for example: 45-678-9 or 56789 |
Alias SKU |
Used for alias SKU numbers. An alias is an additional SKU assigned to a product. For example, if you have separate SKUs for the same product being sold on multiple stores or if you have unique Amazon or eBay SKUs for the product. Multiple alias SKUs are entered in the following format: SKU1 : AliasName1 | SKU2 : AliasName2 For example: If you have alias SKUs of SKU1 with a name of eBay and SKU2 with a name of Amazon, enter them as SKU1 : eBay | SKU2 : Amazon Note: If any of your Alias SKUs contain a pipe character ( | ) it will need to be escaped using a ( \ ). For example, if your SKU is SKU|1 you would it enter into the alias field as SKU\|1. This tells ShipWorks that the | is actually part of the SKU. |
Bundled SKUs |
For items containing multiple SKUs that are sold together, enter each SKU and quantity in the following format: SKU : QTY | SKU : QTY. For example, if the bundle contains one of SKU1, two of SKU2 and three of SKU3 it would be entered as: SKU1 : 1 | SKU2 : 2 | SKU3 : 3 Bundled SKUs must either already exist in ShipWorks or must be listed separately in the product import file being created. Note: If any of your Alias SKUs contain a pipe ( | ) or a colon ( : ) it will need to be escaped using a ( \ ). For example, if your SKU is SKU|1 or SKU:1 you would enter into the field as SKU\|1 or SKU\:1 in the Budled SKU field. This tells ShipWorks that the pipe or colon is actually part of the SKU. |
* Name |
The name or description of the product. For example: Large Red T-shirt |
The Universal Product Code (UPC) of the product. |
The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the product. |
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of the product. |
The Amazon Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit. |
The European Article Number. |
Weight |
The weight of the product entered in fractional pounds. For example: If the product weight is 1 pound and 4 ounces it would be entered as 1.25. Enter only the numerical value. Do not include the unit of measure such as 'pounds' or 'lbs'. |
Length |
The length entered in inches. (Enter in decimals. For example: A length of 5 and 1/2 inches should be entered as 1.5.) |
Width |
The width entered in inches. (Enter in decimals. For example: A width of 5 and 1/2 inches should be entered as 1.5.) |
Height |
The height entered in inches. (Enter in decimals. For example: A height of 5 and 1/2 inches should be entered as 1.5.) |
Image URL |
If your product has an image associated with it, you can enter the path or the URL to the image here. Examples may look like: For an image located on your PC: C:/Pictures/Image1.jpg For an image on a network drive: \\NetworkDrive\image.png For an image located on the internet: |
Warehouse-Bin Location |
Your warehouse location for the product. |
Declared Value |
The declared value of the product when shipping internationally. Unit is US Dollar. |
Country of Origin |
The country in which the product was manufactured. Used when shipping internationally. Enter the two character country code . For example: United States = US, Germany = DE, etc. |
Harmonized Code |
Standard WCO tariff code for international shipments. |
Active |
Indicates if the product is Active (available for use by the ShipWorks software) or Inactive (is in the ShipWorks product catalog, but is not used by ShipWorks). To mark an item as Active, any of the following values can be used: Active, Yes, True, or 1 To mark a product as Inactive, simply leave the field blank or enter Inactive. |
Now that you have the import file saved with your product information, you can import the file into ShipWorks.
1. While on the Products tab, click on the Add button and select From File.

2. Click on the Import button located at the bottom of the Import Product screen.

3. Navigate to and select your import file. Then, click the Open button.

The file will be imported and you will be notified of the number of products imported, how many of the products were new, and how many products were already in ShipWorks.

4. Click the Close button. The products will now be displayed in ShipWorks.
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