Using Label Options for a Single Shipment
In ShipWorks, you can select to print thermal / standard labels on a per shipment basis.
This means that you can select to print your label format from within the Ship Orders dialog (Home Ship Orders) for each label uniquely. This option offers support for customers who print a combination of both thermal and standard labels.
1. In ShipWorks, locate the order you want to ship.
2. Right-click the order and select Ship Orders (or go to Home Ship Orders).

3. On the Ship Orders screen, make sure a provider is selected, then locate the Label Options section (you may have to scroll down to the bottom of the list). If the Label Option section is shrunk or hidden click the down arrows () icon to expand.

4. In the Label Options section select Standard, EPL, or ZPL from the drop-down menu. If you want to print thermal, you will need to choose the right format (EPL / ZPL) for your printer. For some common printers, see our documentation here on how to choose appropriately.

5. Modify any other shipment details as needed and click Create Label.

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