Add an Account in ShipWorks is a USPS postage reseller that grants access to all standard services offered by USPS, as well as additional international shipping options through GlobalPost.
New, US-based ShipWorks users can take advantage of a free account, which will allow you to create domestic and international USPS shipping labels at a discounted rate compared to USPS retail services.
When you use USPS for shipping in ShipWorks, postage is processed using a account. If you don't yet have a account, no problem! You can sign up for a new account from within ShipWorks. It takes just a few short minutes to sign up and configure your account in ShipWorks, and then you are ready to print postage-paid labels. You can have more than one account, too.
Of course, you can also add your existing account to ShipWorks.
Discounted Rate Agreements
If you have a special discounted rate agreement with USPS, please contact directly before you complete this process. Your rep can help you get your account set up properly in ShipWorks.
2. On the Shipping Setting screen, select USPS from the list of providers located on the left side if the screen.
3. If this is a new installation of ShipWorks, click the Setup button.
If you have previously set up another account in ShipWorks, you won't see a Setup button. Just click the Add button to sign up for another account. Either way, after this, you go to the same step 4.
Adding an existing account to ShipWorks? Jump to the Adding Your Existing Account section.
4. Select "Create a new account for use with ShipWorks." and then click Next. (If you like, you can click the "special offers" to read about the gifts you will receive as a new ShipWorks customer. After you sign up, you'll get an e-mail telling you how to get your gifts).
5. Enter the information as prompted on the screen and check the box indicating you agree to the Terms and Conditions.
6. Click the Next button.
7. Provide login information for your new account, and click Next.
8. Click the Next button.
9. Enter your credit card information for payment of your new account. This credit card will be charged by monthly. This credit card is not at all associated with the billing of any ShipWorks services. If you have questions about payments to, you may call Customer Care at 1-888-434-0055.
10. Click the Next button.
11. Your account is now active and you can BuyPostage or visit to review your account settings. If you click Buy Postage now to purchase at least $10.00 in postage, you will receive an e-mail confirmation of your purchase. You can then begin processing your USPS labels in ShipWorks!
NOTE: In ShipWorks, your account is listed as simply USPS on all other screens. For example, when selecting a shipping provider, you will select USPS.
Please follow steps 1 - 3 here. Then, return to step 4 below.
4. Select the option for Use an existing account.
5. Click Next.
6. Enter the name and address associated to your account.
7. Click Next.
8. Enter your account username and password.
9. Click Next.
10. Details of your account will be shown including your username, rate type and current account balance. You can buy more postage or sign into your online account from this screen as well. When you are sure everything looks correct, click Next.
1. The Origin Address screen allows you to add additional origin addresses for easy selection when shipping. If you only ship from one origin address, simply click Next. If you do need to add additional origin addresses, click on the New button and enter the address information into the appropriate fields.
Note: The description field when adding an address is used to name each address so that you know which address is which when selecting the addresses from a list.
When you are finished entering your origin addresses, click OK.
2. The Shipment Defaults screen allows you to set your base defaults for (These are the most commonly used shipping settings that you use when shipping with USPS.) You can also set up more complex shipping rules on this screen, but this is outside the scope of this article. For more information on shipping rules, Check out this article.
To set your base defaults:
a. Click on the blue link Defaults - USPS (
b. On the Shipping Profile screen, set any options that you use most commonly when shipping with USPS. Once you have set your base defaults, click OK.
3. The Printing Setup screen allows you to specify whether or not ShipWorks should automatically print your shipping labels after processing and to configure how ShipWorks handles the printing of your labels.
Return Labels: If you will be automatically generating return shipping labels to include in your shipments and you wish for the return labels to automatically be printed, check the box for Automatically print return shipping labels after processing.
We recommend leaving the default settings for the remainder of the options on this screen.
4. The Processing Setup screen allows you to add and configure an email address in ShipWorks, set automatic email notifications for USPS, and to tell ShipWorks to what status the order should be set when processing or voiding a label. For the Local Status settings, we recommend leaving the defaults. For more information on how to configuring an email address and setting up shipment notification emails, you may be interested in the following articles:
Adding your email account to ShipWorks
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