Inactive and Active Products
Inactive products are still in the product catalog, but are made unavailable. The product’s weight, dimensions and customs information will not be used when creating shipments for orders containing the product. Inactive products are also hidden from the products grid until inactive products are made visible.
This article will guide you through how to mark a product as inactive, how to view inactive products and how to mark inactive products as active.
Do you have inventory associated to products in The ShipWorks Hub?
When you mark a product as inactive in the ShipWorks software, inventory is unallocated and counts are set to zero for that product in The Hub. The inventory will be removed in The Hub for the warehouse associated to the ShipWorks software from which you mark the product inactive.
For example: You mark product sku AB-1 as inactive in the ShipWorks software at the St. Louis warehouse location.
On The Hub, the inventory counts will be unallocated and updated to zero for the St. Louis Warehouse.

1. Locate the product you wish to mark inactive.
2. Toggle the switch in the Active column to the inactive position.

When a product is marked as inactive, the fields will become dimmed and italicized as in the above screenshot.
You can also mark a product as inactive by unchecking the Active checkbox on the Edit Product screen.

To mark an inactive product as active, toggle the switch for the product to the Active position. For a single product you could also check the Active box on the Edit Product screen.
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