Connecting to a ShipWorks Archive
ShipWorks gives you the ability to archive orders into an archive database. This can be very helpful if you wish to remove orders from your main ShipWorks database, but would still like to be able to easily access your order history.
This article will guide you through how to connect to a ShipWorks archive and how to connect back to the main (live), active ShipWorks database when finished in an archive.
For information on how to create a ShipWorks archive, please see this article.
The following video clip will quickly guide you through the process of connecting to a ShipWorks archive. More detailed steps can be found after the video.

1. Click on the Manage tab and then on the Archive button.

2. Select the ShipWorks archive database to which you would like to connect. Then, click the Connect to Archive button.
If you have more than one ShipWorks archive, the archives will be listed for you. To make it easier to select the correct archive database, each archive will list the Oldest Order, the Newest Order and the number of Orders in the archive. You can sort the list of archives by clicking on any of the available column headers.

3. If prompted, log into ShipWorks. If you have ShipWorks configured to automatically log you in, the login window will not be displayed.

You are now connected to the ShipWorks archive. When working in an archive database, you will notice that there is a banner at the top of the ShipWorks application informing you that you are in an archive database.

For more information about working in a ShipWorks archive and the limitations of doing so, please see the Working in a ShipWorks Archive article.
The following video clip will quickly guide you through the process of returning to the live ShipWorks database. More detailed steps can be found after the video.

1. Click on the Return to Live Database button located at the top-right of the ShipWorks screen, inside of the Archive Database banner.

2. If prompted, log into ShipWorks. If you have ShipWorks configured to automatically log you in, the login window will not be displayed.

The live ShipWorks database will now open.
Typically, there is only one live ShipWorks database. In this case, ShipWorks will automatically detect the correct database and connect to it.
However, in some rare cases there maybe more than one live ShipWorks database. If this is the case, ShipWorks will detect the live databases and list them for you so that you can select which database to connect to. To help you select the correct database, the Name, the Status, the date of the Last Activity and the Latest Order number and date will be displayed for each listed database.

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