Selecting a Printer for Packing Slips or Invoices
It is easy to select a printer for your packing slips or invoices. This article will guide you through the steps.
2. On the Template Manager screen, select the packing slip or the invoice for which you would like to specify a printer.

3. Now, click on the Edit button located at the top-right of the window,

4. Next, click on the Settings tab. Then, click on the Printing link on the left of the screen.

5. From the Printer: drop-down menu, select the printer that you would like to use to print the invoice or packing slip.

6. With the printer now selected, click on the Save button and then on the Close button.

That's it. Your invoice or packing slip is now assigned to a printer.
You can select a printer for any template by following the exact same steps outlined above? Just select the template you wish to select a printer for and then follow steps 3 through 6!
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