Print Packing Slips or Invoices for Scan-to-Ship
ShipWorks Scan-to-Ship allows you to quickly and easily locate orders in ShipWorks by scanning a barcode of the ShipWorks order number. You can configure ShipWorks to print packing slips or invoices for your orders that include an order specific, Single Scan barcode.
The Single Scan barcode identifies a specific order in ShipWorks, even when there is more than one order with the same order number. Pretty slick!
While it is not required to use these packing slips or invoices with the Single Scan barcode (perhaps you have your own printed barcodes you will use to scan) it may be beneficial for you to do so.
This article will show you which packing slip and invoice templates already include the Single Scan barcode and how to configure ShipWorks to print a Single Scan packing slip or invoice for you.
Before you proceed with this article there are a few things you will need to have ready:
1. This article lists details and instructions for the latest release of ShipWorks. If you have not done so already, we recommend upgrade to the latest version of ShipWorks so that you have access to all of the latest and greatest features.
2. You will need to have Scan-to-Ship enabled and your barcode scanner registered.
The great thing is that ShipWorks includes templates with the Single Scan barcode on them. You can use these templates to print packing slips or invoices and to scan the included barcode to quickly locate and select an order in ShipWorks.
The available templates are:
Invoices Single Scan
Packing Slips Single Scan

Let's begin by selecting which printer the packing slip or invoice should print to.
2. Select the Single Scan Invoice or the Single Scan Packing Slip, depending upon which you wish to have ShipWorks print for you, and click the Edit button.

3. Click on the Settings tab and then the Printing link.

4. Select the printer that you would like to use to print the packing slip or invoice.
The templates are 8.5" x 11". So, we recommend printing them to a standard inkjet or laser printer.

5. Click Save and then Close.

Since scanning the Single Scan barcode locates the order and prints a shipping label, let's set up ShipWorks to print a packing slip or invoice when the order is downloaded for the first time.
We see that having a Single Scan barcode to scan will let us quickly locate an order in ShipWorks. Why have ShipWorks automatically print the invoice or packing slip for you? Well, this can help by:
• saving you mouse clicks which saves time
• making the Single Scan barcode available to you as soon as the order downloads into ShipWorks.
2. Click on the New Action button.

3. Give the action a name that you will remember. For this example we will name it Single Scan Packing Slip.

4. We have to tell the action when we wish for it to print our packing slip or invoice. Select An Order is downloaded from the When the following occurs: drop-down menu and check the box for Only if the order was downloaded for the first time.

5. Let's tell the action what to do when an order is downloaded for the first time. Click on the Add Task drop-down menu and select Print.

6. Let's tell ShipWorks what to print for us. Leave Print Using: as the default of The Order. Click the drop-down menu for With Template: and select the Single Scan Packing Slip or Single Scan Invoice you wish for ShipWorks to print.

7. Click OK then Close.

ShipWorks will now automatically print the packing slip or invoice to the printer you specified. You can then scan the barcode, and ShipWorks will locate and select the order for you.
Another option, rather than having ShipWorks automatically print the packing slips or invoices for you, is to create a custom button. When clicked, the button will trigger packing slips or invoices to be printed for all orders in a specific filter.
For example, say that all orders that are ready to be picked, verified and shipped are stored in a filter called Awaiting Fulfillment. Orders in the Awaiting Fulfillment filter are picked, verified and shipped in batches throughout the day. Wouldn't it be nice to click a single button that triggers printing packing slips or invoices for the orders in that filter? You can by creating an Action in ShipWorks.
Here's how:
2. Click the New Action button.

3. Give the action a name to identify what it does. In our example we are naming the action Print Packing Slips Button.

4. Select A Custom Button is Clicked from the When the following occurs: drop-down menu.

5. As an option, you can select an icon for the button by clicking on the Choose link to the right of the image.

You can also select where the button will appear in the ShipWorks software. By default it is placed on the Home tab.

6. Select whether you wish to select the order for which the packing slips or invoices will be printed or if you would like to print packing slips for all orders in a filter without having to select the orders. For example:
You may wish to select specific orders for which the packing slips or invoices will be printed when you click the button. If this is the case, select the An order to be selected option from the Require: drop-down menu.
If, like for this article, you would like for all of the orders in a specific filter to have packing slips or invoices printed when you click the button, select the Nothing needs to be selected option.

7. Next, click on the Add Task button and select Print from the drop-down menu.

8. Now click on the drop-down menu to the right of the blue text Everything in and select the folder in which the orders to be printed reside. For our example we are selecting the Awaiting Fulfillment folder.

9. Click the drop-down menu to the right of With template: and select the Single Scan Packing Slip or Invoice you wish to print.

10. Click the OK button and then click Close.

You now have a custom button you can print any time you wish for the packing slips or invoices to be printed.

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