Move Panels in ShipWorks
ShipWorks allows you to move and to arrange panels within the ShipWorks software to meet your specific layout preference. You can rearrange panels by simply dragging them to the location within ShipWorks that works best for you. You can even undock the panels and move them to a separate computer monitor when running a multi-monitor computer system.
This article will guide you through how to rearrange the ShipWorks panels, how to move the panels to a separate monitor and how to reset the default panel layout.
Before showing you how to rearrange the panels within ShipWorks, let's take a look at how to reset the default layout, just in case you wish to return all of the panels to their original location.
1. In ShipWorks, click on the View tab and then on the Reset button.
2. Check on the box for Ribbons and Panels and then click the Reset button.
Now that we know how to reset the panel layout to the ShipWorks default, let's tak a look at how we can rearrange the ShipWorks panels.
Locate the panel you would like to move. Click on the title bar and drag the panel to the new location at which you would like it to live. Notice that as you drag the panel, docking points appear. Simply drag the panel to one of the docking points and release. The panel will automatically be docked in this location.
Panels in ShipWorks can be undocked so that they float separately from the main application. This is useful when you wish to maximize screen real estate or move panels to a second computer monitor.
Click on the title bar of the panel you wish to undock and drag it to the location you would like.
Double click the title bar of the panel you wish to undock. You can then drag the panel to relocate it. Double click the title bar again to redock it.
In the below example the Shipping and Rates panels are now floating outside of the main ShipWorks application window.
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