What Channels and Platforms Does ShipWorks Support?
ShipWorks is integrated with all of the platforms and channels below, so it's super easy to add your store into ShipWorks.
ShipWorks can still work with non-integrated platforms and channels, too!
If your store type is not on this list, you can still use ShipWorks. You can use:
An ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) connection. You can connect your external database to ShipWorks and import order information directly from your database.
A Generic-File setup where you'll use files (like an Excel spreadsheet, .CSV file, or XML) to import your orders.
You can have a developer create a Generic-Module just for your store with the help of our Generic Module Development Guide.
Need help adding your store to ShipWorks? We have articles for every store, marketplace and connection here.
Still Need Help?
Please feel free to reach out to one of our awesome Technical Support Representatives in St. Louis. We are happy to help.
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