Selecting Your Standard Label Printer
This article will guide you through how to select the standard printer to which your shipping labels will print. If your primary label printer is a Standard inkjet or laser printer, it will also guide you through how to make sure that you have each of your shipping providers set to request a standard shipping label.
You may need to select your standard printer when:
You add a new printer
You reinstall a current printer
You add a new ShipWorks workstation
You move ShipWorks from one PC to another
2. On the Template Manager screen, select the Labels Standard template.

3. To select the standard printer that you will use, click on the Edit button. Then, click the Settings tab and then the Printing link. Select the standard printer that you use to print your labels from the Printer: drop-down menu.

4. Once your printer is selected, click Close.
Please follow these steps only if you print your shipping labels to a standard inkjet or laser printer.
2. On the Shipping Settings screen, select the shipping provider for which you wish to check the default label format.

3. Select the Settings tab and then click on the blue link for Defaults - [selected provider].

4. Scroll down to the Labels section and then select the Standard label format from the Requested Label format: drop-down menu.

5. Click OK. Then, repeat steps 2-4 for each provider you will use a standard printer. Click Close when you are finished.
Are you having issues with your labels not printing? See how to troubleshoot printing issues for detailed steps on how to troubleshoot your printer setup.
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