Emailing a Report (Manual Method)
Emailing reports is easy in ShipWorks, as you can do it directly from the Orders grid. You don't have to save a report and then attach it to an email -- you can just select an email option, select the report, and it's sent!
This article assumes that you've downloaded and installed ShipWorks, downloaded orders from an existing store, and have added an email account to ShipWorks.
There are two email options for report templates:
Email Now: This option uses your default email account for your store and will send just the report based on the template's settings. You cannot modify any settings (like subject line or email address) before sending the report.
To modify your email settings in ShipWorks, navigate to Manage Email Accounts Configure Account to Use for Each Store.
To modify your template's settings in ShipWorks, navigate to Manage Templates Select Your Template Edit Settings tab Email Select a Store Edit Settings.
Compose Email: This option will allow you to edit your email before sending it. You can modify text, templates, links, recipients, and so on.
1. In ShipWorks, select the orders you want included in your report.
2. Right-click your orders and select Compose Email Select Your Template. The template will display automatically in the body of the email. In the example below, we've selected the Items by Name template.

3. Make any modifications to your email and click Send.

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