Adding an Email Template - Reward Repeat Customers
Wouldn't it be cool if you could send an email to your customers rewarding them for their repeat business. For example: Maybe you want to send a discount code to any customer that placed two orders with you. Well, you can.
Before you get started, there are a few things you'll need.
You will need to be logged into ShipWorks as a user with rights to edit templates.
You will need your logo image. It is preferred that the image be the size that you wish it to display in the email.
You will also need to know the path to where the image lives on your PC.
You will need an image of the coupon you wish to use. (In the above example, the coupon is an image added to the template.) It is preferred that the image be the size that you wish it to display in the email.
You will need to know the path to where the image lives on your PC.
You will need to open the .txt file attached to this article. It has all the template code in it.
First, we will create a new template in ShipWorks and paste all of the code from the .txt file attached to this article into the template. Here's how:
2. Select the Email > Shipment Notification template and then click on the Copy button. Then, click OK.
3. Select the copy of the Shipment Notification template and click the Edit button.
4. Change the Name to a name that means something to you. In this example, we are naming the template 2 Orders Email.
5. Select ALL of the code on the Code tab and delete it. No, really, delete all of the code.
6. Open the .txt file attached to the bottom of this article. Then, copy all of the code in the .txt file and paste it into the Code tab in the ShipWorks template editor.
7. Click on the Preview tab and verify that your template now looks like the below screenshot. Then, click the Save button.
(Your template will display your company name, email and phone number automagically.)
My company name, email or phone number is not showing correctly. - No problem. It is an easy fix. The information is pulled from your store settings in ShipWorks. After saving your template, go to Manage > Stores, select the store and click Edit. Then, update the information on the Store Address screen.
Now, let's customize the template by adding your logo, your coupon, and updating the verbiage.
1. Select the template that you just created and click on the Edit button.
2. On the Code tab, scroll down to line 29 and locate the line that reads <img src="PATH TO YOUR LOGO IMAGE HERE"></img>.
You are going to replace the text PATH TO YOUR LOGO IMAGE HERE to the actual location of the image file on your PC. Be sure to include the name and extension of the file in your path. Here's an example:
You can check to be sure that the path is correct by clicking on the Preview tab. If your logo shows up, the path is correct.
Now, let's add an image of your coupon with the discount code you'd like to send to your customer.
1. Back on the Code tab, scroll down to line 52 and locate the line that reads <img src="PATH TO YOUR COUPON IMAGE HERE"></img>. Using the same steps as above, enter the path to the image of the coupon you would like to display in your template.
If you would like to, it is super easy to update the text in the template.
1. Back on the Code tab, scroll down to line 37. All of the text that appears on the template appears as black text in the code.
Just update the text with the wording you would like to appear in your email.
Note: On line 37 and 38 you will notice that the text is set to the color red. You can change the color by just typing in the color you would like. For example, change red to blue and the text will show up blue.
You could also enter a hex value if you would like to. Maybe you have a specific color you use to brand your company. Just replace "red" with your hex value like "#123456", for example.
2. Click on the Preview tab to confirm your updates. Then, click the SAVE button to save all of your work.
If you would like to, you can modify the subject line that will appear when you send an email from ShipWorks using this temple.
1. Select your template and click Edit.
2. Click on the Settings tab and then click Email.
3. Update the Subject: field to say what you would like it to.
4. Click Save. Then click Close.
You now have a custom email template.
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