Adding a Link to Your Template
Adding a link to a template allows you to direct people to a website. This will require some html edits to your template.
2. Copy the template you wish to edit by selecting the the template and clicking Copy, then click the OK button. (This just saves a backup in case anything goes wrong.) For this example, we're going to be copying our Shipment Notification template.

3. After you've made a copy of your template, select your original template and click Edit.

4. On the Code tab, scroll down in the code to the location at which you would like the link to be displayed. In our example, we'll be adding a link at the end of the template. Please note: All text must appear after the tag and before the tag.

5. Copy and paste the following text into the screen:
Thanks for shopping with us! Be sure to visit" rel="noreferrer">">visit our website in the future.

6. Modify the link to contain your website link.
Using ShipWorks ( as an example, you'd write Thanks for shopping with us! Be sure to">visit our website in the future.
Please note: The template editor is an XSLT editor and processes certain characters like &, =, ! differently than an HTML editor. If you have one of these characters in your website address, it will likely prompt an error saying that an unexpected value has occurred. If you run into this error, go to and generate a URL without these characters and try again.

7. You can modify the text to say whatever you would like it to, but keep all of the code surrounding it (like the tag):

8. Click the Preview tab to see your changes. When satisfied with your changes, click Save and Close.

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