Automatically Email Reports Using Actions
ShipWorks gives you powerful tools to automate tasks like generating reports and automatically sending emails using actions. So, why not automate the process of emailing daily, weekly, or monthly reports? This article will guide you through the process of configuring reports to be automatically generated on a schedule and to be automatically emailed to the recipients that you specify.
Before you can email from the ShipWorks software you will need to add your email account to ShipWorks. If you have not already done so, please follow the steps found here to add your email address to ShipWorks.
You will also need to be logged into ShipWorks as a user with administrator rights.
For this article we will configure the Items by Quantity report to run at the end of each business day for all orders shipped during the current day. However, you can follow the same steps for any report in ShipWorks.
The first step is to have ShipWorks catch all of the orders shipped the current business day by creating a filter. Please note that the same steps can be used to filter orders shipped for a current week or month and so on by simply modifying the date range in the steps below.
2. Click on the New Filter button.

3. Name the filter. Then configure the filter with the conditions pictured below.

If you wish to specify a date range, configure the conditions like this instead.

4. Click OK and then Close. You now have a filter that will catch all of the orders that you ship on a given business day (or the date range you specified).

Next, we need to specify the email addresses to which the report will be emailed and the subject line of the email. This is done through the template settings. Here's how:
2. Scroll down in the list of templates on the left side of the Template Manager and select the report you wish to email. In this example we will select the Items by Quantity report.

3. With the template selected, click on the Edit button.

4. On the Template Editor screen, click on the Settings tab. Then, click on Email. Enter the email address(es) to which you wish the report to be sent separating multiple email addresses by semicolons (;). Then, enter the subject line for the email.

5. Click Save and then Close.
Lastly, we will create the action that will send the email on a specific schedule to the email recipients we just specified in the previous steps.
2. Click the New Action button.

3. Give the report a name, like Email Report or similar.

4. Click on the When the following occurs drop-down menu and select A scheduled time.

5. Click on the blue One Time link and select Daily. (or select the frequency you would like from the menu)

6. Specify the time at which you would like the report to run. In this example we want it to run at the end of the business day so we will select 5:00 PM. Leave the End: as Never and Run every: as 1 Day(s).

7. Click on the Add Task button and select Email.

8. Select the Shipped Today filter that you created earlier in this article from the Email Using: Everything in drop-down menu.

9. Select the Items by Quantity report (or the report you wish to have emailed) from the With template: drop-down menu.

10. Click OK and then Close.

That's it!! Now, every day at 5:00 pm the report will be automatically emailed to the email recipients you specified.
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