Register Your Barcode Scanner with Scan-to-Ship
With ShipWorks you can quickly and easily locate an order, verify orders with Scan-based Quality Control, apply shipping profiles to a shipment, weigh packages and generate shipping labels with a barcode scanner. This article will guide you through how to register a barcode scanner with ShipWorks.
The Options button was renamed to Settings and the ShipWorks Options screen was named ShipWorks Settings beginningin ShipWorks version 6.3.
Before you begin, please be sure that:
1. This article lists details and instructions for the latest release of ShipWorks. If you have not done so already, we recommend upgrade to the latest version of ShipWorks so that you have access to all of the latest and greatest features.
2. You have a scanner connected to your computer with the necessary drivers for your scanner installed.
3. You have at least one barcode available to scan. You can scan any barcode you may have available.
2. Select Scan-to-Ship from the list of available options on the left, then check the Enable Barcode Scanner checkbox.

3. Click on the Pair Scanner button.

4. When prompted, scan any barcode with the barcode scanner used for Single Scan. The scan results will be displayed.

5. Click the Confirm button.

6. Click the OK button to close the Options screen.

Your scanner is now registered with ShipWorks.
1. If you accidentally register the wrong device (perhaps you accidentally press a key on your keyboard) you can simply scan a barcode again with the correct scanner and then click Confirm. ShipWorks will register the last device used.
2. Registered devices are computer specific. Repeat the above steps on each computer on which Single Scan will be used.
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