Adding Profiles in ShipWorks (v5.24 or later)
Shipping profiles allow you to create and save sets of your most commonly used shipping defaults. These defaults, or profiles, can then be easily applied to a single shipment or to a group of selected shipments. For example, you could have a profile that automatically applies an expedited shipping service, weight, insurance, dimensions, signature required, turn on email notifications and more, all with just a couple of mouse clicks, with a keyboard shortcut or even with a barcode scan.
This article covers the differences between a Provider Based and Global shipping profile and how to add shipping profiles in ShipWorks.
A provider based shipping profile allows you to apply settings and defaults to a shipment that are specific to a shipping provider. For example, you could create a UPS shipping profile that applies a specific UPS account, sets USP Ground as the service, and turns on Quantum View Notify. Selecting FedEx as the provider when creating a shipping profile allows you to configure shipments specific to FedEx, and so on.
Let's take a look at how to create a provider specific shipping profile. For this example, we will use USPS.
2. Click on the Add button.

3. Enter a name for your profile into the Name: field. To help organize your profiles, you may wish to name the profile with the service, dimension or weight that will be applied when the profile is selected.

4. Select the Provider: for the shipping profile. This is the shipping provider that will be applied to the shipment when this profile is selected. Notice that when you select the shipping provider, you will notice that the available options are updated to match the shipping provider selected.

5. Next, check the box to the left of any option you wish to update. Then, enter or select the value for that option. Do this for each setting that you wish to apply to the profile.

6. Click the OK button to save the profile. The profile will now be displayed in the profile pane.

A global shipping profile is a profile that is not specific to a shipping provider. It can be applied to any shipping provider and can be used to set the origin address, the weight, the dimensions and/or to apply insurance to a shipment.
For example, we could configure a global profile that applies 5 pounds, dimensions of 10 x 5 x 5, and turns on ShipWorks insurance. This profile could be applied to a USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL Express (and so on) shipment to quickly apply the weight, dimensions and insurance to that shipment.
Here's how to create a global profile:
2. Click on the Add button.

3. Enter a name for your profile into the Name: field. To help organize your profiles, you may wish to name the profile with the dimensions or weight that will be applied when the profile is selected.

4. Since this is a Global Profile, leave the Provider: as the default of No Change.

5. Next, check the box to the left of any option you wish to update. Then, enter or select the value for that option. Do this for each setting that you wish to apply to the profile.

6. Click the OK button to save the profile. The profile will now be displayed in the profile pane. Note that Global Profiles do not list a Provider.

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