Saving and Printing Labels to PDF
ShipWorks allows you to select to which printer your shipping labels will be printed. By selecting a PDF writer such as PrimoPDF, CutePDF, or DoroPDF, you can send your shipping labels to a PDF document. You will then have a PDF file that you can print, save, or e-mail just as you would any other document. This article will guide you through the steps to configure ShipWorks to print your labels to a PDF file.
When you "print" to a .PDF, you are saving the label as a .PDF format file which you can then print as you would any other document. To print to a .PDF you first need to have a .PDF writer installed on the computer on which you want to save the .PDF. There are a number of free .PDF writers available online. Just do a search for ".PDF writer free" to see your options. Some examples of free, commonly used .PDF writers include: PrimoPDF, CutePDF, or DoroPDF, and there are many others. Before continuing, please be sure that you have a PDF writer installed.
In addition, please note that only labels generated as the Standard label format can be printed to a PDF file.
First, let's set up the template that will be used to print the label(s) to the PDF writer.
2. Expand the Labels folder and select the Standard label template. Then, click on the Copy button.
3. Verify that the Labels folder is selected. Then, click OK.
4. Next, select the Standard (Copy) template and click the Edit button.
5. Name the template Standard PDF.
6. Click on the Settings tab. Then, click on the Printing link on the left side of the screen.
7. From the Printer: drop-down menu, select the PDF writer that you have installed on your computer. The PDF writer in this example is CutePDF Writer.
8. Click on the Save button. Then, click Close.
Next, let's take set the shipping provider print rules to print Standard formatted labels to the Standard PDF template.
2. On the Shipping Settings screen, select the shipping provider with which you will print your labels to PDF. For this example we will use USPS.
3. Now, select the Printing tab. On the Printing tab locate the Output Rule, Otherwise Always Print With Standard.
4. Click on the Standard drop-down menu. From the list of templates, select the Labels Standard PDF template.
5. Click the Close button.
Now, Standard formatted labels will automatically print to your PDF writer by default.
When a label is printed as a PDF, the PDF writer will prompt you to choose the location for saving your PDF file and whether you will open, save, or e-mail the PDF file after printing.
Now that ShipWorks is configured to print labels that are formatted as Standard, let's take a look at how to print a label to a PDF file. In this section, we will assume that the default printer is a thermal printer, but that at times a PDF file of a label is needed.
1. Select the order for which you wish to process a label to PDF.
2. Next, click on the Home tab and then on the Ship Orders button.
3. Configure the shipment (provider, weight, dimensions, etc.). Then, scroll down to the Label Options section. From the Requested Label Format: drop-down menu, select Standard.
4. Now, click on the Create Label button to process the shipment. Once the label is processed, the PDF writer will prompt you to save the file.
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