Actions: Configure an Action to Print Return Labels
When processing return labels in ShipWorks it is necessary to create an action that will automatically send the return labels to your printer. Without this action configured the return labels may not print.
This article will guide you through the process of replacing the default print rules for your shipping provider(s) with an action that will print both your regular and your return shipping labels.
This article assumes that you are logged in to ShipWorks as a user with administrator rights.
1. Click on the Manage tab and then on the Actions button.
2. Click on the New Action button.
3. Give the action a name. For this example we will be creating an action for USPS so we will name the action Print USPS Return Labels.
4. Click the drop-down menu for When the following occurs and select A shipment is processed.
5. Uncheck the box for Only for Normal shipments. Then, check the box for Only when using and select the shipping provider for which you will be processing return shipping labels. (Again, for this example we are selecting USPS. However, you can select any of the available shipping providers.)
6. Click the Add Task button and select Print shipments.
7. Leave the remaining settings as they are and click the OK button. The action should look like the below screenshot.
8. Click the Close button to close the Action Manager.
Since you created an action that will now send both regular and return labels to your printer, you will need to disable the default printing rules for the the shipping provider so that duplicate labels are not printed.
2. Select the shipping carrier for which you created the action in the previous steps from the list of available carriers. (In this example, we will select USPS.)
3. Click on the Printing tab.
4. Uncheck the box for Automatically print labels after processing.
Be sure to repeat all of the above steps for each shipping carrier with which you intend to process and print return shipping labels.
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