Add ShipWorks Users
ShipWorks allows you to create and manage multiple users, each with its' own username and password allowing you to:
Audit user activity for each user.
Manage permissions for each user.
Monitor who can log in to the ShipWorks software.
Please be sure that you are logged into ShipWorks as a user with administrator rights.
2. On the Manage Users screen, click the New User button.

3. Enter the new user's account information (username, email address, password), then select the type of user you are creating. (Standard or Administrator).
Click Next.
Standard vs. Administrator
Selecting Standard User will allow you to define permissions for the user. Administrators have access to all areas of the ShipWorks software.

4. (a) Standard users: Select the rights you want the user to have. Be sure to scroll down and specify rights per individual store. If you have already created this type of user, you can just use the Copy Rights From option to copy rights from another user and apply it to this profile. Click Next.

(b) Administrators: Just click Next.

5. Click Finish and then Close.

Users can log on or off of ShipWorks without restarting it by clicking the ShipWorks logo on the top left of the screen.

Still Need Help?
Please feel free to reach out to one of our awesome Technical Support Representatives in St. Louis. We are happy to help.
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