Send Automatic Shipping Notifications
With a shipping carrier and email account added to ShipWorks, a Task can be enabled to send email notifications to customers upon shipment of their order.
The Task can be manually turned on or off at any time.
Enable the Task to have ShipWorks automatically send a shipment notification email to your customer as soon as the shipment is processed for their order.
1. Click the Manage tab then the Shipping Settings button.
2. Select the shipping carrier for which you would like to enable the Task.
3. Select the Tasks tab.
4. Check the Automatically send an email after processing check-box.
5. Click Close.

Schedule when the email is sent.
Did you know that you can delay the emails so that they are sent at a certain time each day?

You may wish to disable the email notification task if:
Some online store/marketplaces have restrictions on emails sent to your customers, and you need to disable this Task.
You may wish to configure the Email notification as an Action instead of as a shipping Task, giving you more control of how and when the email notifications are sent.
Disable this notification feature via the Shipping Settings screen for each shipping carrier that you use.
2. Select a shipping carrier and navigate to the Tasks tab.

3. Uncheck the Automatically send an email after processing option.

4. Repeat these steps for every shipping carrier you use in ShipWorks and click Close.
Still Need Help?
Please feel free to reach out to one of our awesome Technical Support Representatives in St. Louis. We are happy to help.
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