Filters: Filter on a List - (Is In List)
ShipWorks gives you the ability to easily filter or search for orders by lists of criteria. This new feature now allows you to easily enter an entire list of criteria as a single condition of a search or filter. For example, if you wish to search for orders containing any item from a long list of SKUs, you can simply enter a single comma delimited list of the SKU numbers. You can even quickly copy your list from Excel and paste the entire list right into ShipWorks.
Filtering by a list can be applied to just about any data associated to orders and customers in ShipWorks making it a super powerful tool in your arsenal. Another idea is to filter orders by a list of postal codes for a targeted marketing campaign.
This article will guide you through how to use the new Is In List and Is Not In List options in ShipWorks.
For this example we will create a filter that lists any orders that contain any of the SKUs from a list of SKU numbers listed in an Excel spreadsheet. Here's how:
2. Click the New Filter button.

3. Name the filter. For this example we will name it SKU List. Click Next.

4. Click the Add Condition button . A new line will appear: Order Total Equals $0.00.

For this example, we wish to locate orders where any item on the order contains any of the SKU numbers from our spreadsheet.
5. Click on the blue text Order Total and select For any Item...
6. Now, click on the second Add Condition button located under the blue text For any item in the order.... A new line will appear: Item SKU Equals.

We wish to search from a list of SKU numbers. Here's how:
7. Click on the green text Equals and select Is In List.

The condition will now look like this:

The Is In List option allows you to enter a comma separated list of options. For example, if you wish to manually enter a list of SKU numbers, you would type them into the field like this: SKU1,SKU2,SKU3,SKU4.

If you have a long list of criteria to enter, ShipWorks offers a great option. Let's take a look at how we can copy an entire list from an Excel spreadsheet and paste the list right into ShipWorks.
Open the Excel spreadsheet containing the list. In this case, we have a list of SKU numbers.

In ShipWorks, click on the 'Search Terms' button located just to the right of the Is In List condition. This opens the Search Terms window.

Now, simply copy the list from the Excel Spreadsheet and paste the list into the Search Terms window, making sure that each search term is listed on its own line. Then, click OK.
ShipWorks will automatically create a comma separated list for you. You don't need to enter a comma after each search term in the Search Terms window.

8. Now that you have your list of search terms entered into the filter, click the Next button.

9. Click Finish. Then, click Close.

You now have a filter that will locate any order that contains any items with any of the SKU numbers from the list of SKUs you entered into the Is In List condition.

You can also create a filter using the Is Not In List option. For example, in the filter that we just created, you could have selected Is Not In List and ShipWorks would locate any orders that did NOT include any of the listed SKU numbers.

If you have search terms that contain a comma, placing a backslash [ \ ] in front of the comma tells ShipWorks that the comma is part of the search term. Here is an example:

The Is In List and Is Not In List options are available for many filter conditions.
The Is In List and Is Not In List options are available to use when creating an Advanced Search as well.

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