Shipping an Order With the Ship Orders Screen
Shipping orders using the Ship Orders screen gives you access to more shipping functionality than when using the Shipping Panel. You can process a single shipment, batch process multiple shipments, access all of the settings available for each carrier, and more.
This article will guide you through how to process labels and manage your shipments using the Ship Orders screen.
This article assumes the following:
You have at least one store and one shipping provider connected to the ShipWorks software.
You have at least one order downloaded into ShipWorks from your online store.
That you are shipping using the Home tab in ShipWorks. For information on shipping using Scan-to-Ship, please see this article.

1. In ShipWorks, select an order by either clicking on the order or by checking the checkbox to the left of the order.(shown highlighted in blue below).

2. Load the order onto the Ship Orders screen a few different ways:
a. Right click on the order and select the Ship Orders option from the shortcut menu.

b. Click on the Home tab and then click on the Ship Orders button.

c. From the Shipping Panel, click the blue link Click Here to use the Ship Orders dialog.

3. On the Ship Orders screen, select your shipping provider from the Provider: drop-down menu.
Did you know that you can automate configuring your shipments by setting up default shipping providers and shipping profiles?

4. Expand or collapse any section within the Ship Orders screen by clicking on the double arrows located to the right of each section. In this example, the Shipment Details section is expanded.

5. Modify any settings (such as weight, dimensions, etc.) for your shipment. Remember, you can modify the To address, From address, Return shipment options, and many other settings by expanding the appropriate sections on the Ship Orders screen.

Import Weights and Dimensions
Did you know that you can import weights from a connected scale? You can also import weights and dimensions with a connected Cubiscan dimensioner!
Manually import weights and dimensions - Click the Import weight button to manually import the weight and dimensions into the shipment being configured.
With a keyboard shortcut - Press CTRL + SHIFT + W when configuring a shipment.
With a barcode scan - Scan a barcode to import the weight and dimensions.
Automatically - Tell ShipWorks to automatically import the weight and dimensions for you when you load an order.
6. Notice that as you modify the settings on the Ship Orders screen, the Rates panel automatically refreshes to show the correct rate.

7. Click on the Create Label button to generate the shipping label. The label will print to the printer you have configured.

8. Click Close to return to the main orders grid.
Create a new shipment for an order by clicking the New Shipment button. This creates a new shipment for the selected order and applies the shipping rules and/or shipping defaults you have configured in ShipWorks.

The New Shipment button created shipment 2 of 2 using the defaults configured in ShipWorks. In this case, it created a shipment using the default shipping provider, UPS.
When you need to ship the order again and wish to use the same shipment setting as in the previous shipment:
1. Click on the Ship Again button and then select Ship Again from the drop-down menu.

The Ship Again button created an exact duplicate (2 of 2) of the first shipment (1 of 2).
Ship Multiple Shipments Again
Did you know that you can select multiple shipments and click the Ship Again button to create multiple new shipments? This may be useful, for example, when you need to create new shipping labels for multiple voided shipments.

Generate a return shipment by:
1. Select the shipment for which you wish to generate a return label.
2. Click the Ship Again button and then select Ship Again as Return from the drop-down menu.

An exact duplicate shipment is created and the Make this a return shipment option is automatically selected for you.
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