Adding Products Manually
Once in the Product Catalog you can begin adding products. This can be done by manually entering your products or by importing a file containing your product information into the ShipWorks software. Let’s take a look at how to manually enter a product into ShipWorks and at the fields and options available to you when entering products.
It is also possible to import your entire product catalog from a file. To learn how, click here.
To enter a single product into ShipWorks:
1. Click the Add button located at the top of the Products screen and select New Product.

The new products screen will be displayed.

2. Enter all of the details for the products. (Click here for a detailed description of the available fields.) After entering all of the product details, click the Save button to add the product to the product catalog.

Let’s take a look at the sections of the New Product screen and the fields and options available when entering a new product.
Active: Indicates whether a product is Active (checked) or Inactive (unchecked).
An active product is a product that is available to be used by the ShipWorks software when creating a shipment. ShipWorks can use the product information to automatically import weights, dimensions and/or customs information when creating a shipment.
Inactive products are still in the product catalog, but are made unavailable for use by ShipWorks when creating a shipment.
Bundle: Indicates whether or not the product is a bundled product. To learn more about bundled products, please see this article.
Product details associated to items in the Product Catalog, by default, do not show up on printed Packing Slips or Invoices. However, your ShipWorks invoice or packing slip template can be modified to use the information associated to products stored in the Product Catalog. Please see this article to learn how to modify your templates.
SKU: Required. The SKU of the product.
Name: The description of the product. (Populates as customs item description when shipping internationally.)
UPC: The Universal Product Code (UPC) of the product.
ISBN: The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of the product.
Weight: The weight of the product. Can be entered in the following formats:
Fractional pounds (1.25 lbs)
Pounds and ounces (1 lb 4 oz or 1 pound 4 ounces)
Length: The length of the shipping package for this product entered in inches.
Width: The width of the shipping package for this product entered in inches.
Height: The height of the shipping package for this product entered in inches.
Image URL: If your product has an image associated with it, you can enter the path or the URL to the image here. Examples may look like:
For an image located on your PC: C:/Pictures/Image1.jpg
For an image on a network drive: \\NetworkDrive\image.png
For an image located on the internet:
Location: The warehouse location of the product.

The Product Details Section
Harmonized Code: The harmonized code for the product when shipping internationally.
Declared Value: The declared value of the product when shipping internationally.
Country of Origin: The country in which the product was manufactured. Used when shipping internationally.

The Customs Details Section
An alias is an additional SKU assigned to a product. For example, if you have separate SKUs for the same product being sold on multiple stores or if you have unique Amazon or eBay SKUs for the product, you can enter the SKUs along with alias names in this section.
To learn more about how to add aliases, please see this article.

The Aliases Section
For products that have one or more attributes, such as size or color, the attributes can be added here.
To learn more about adding attributes to a product, please see this article.

The Attributes Section
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