Introduction to Printing in ShipWorks
One benefit of using ShipWorks is the flexibility it offers when printing your shipping labels, packing slips, invoices, pick-lists, and other documents. You can select individual printers for each type of document, print to a combination of thermal and standard printers, and even specify when certain documents are automatically printed.
However, with this flexibility comes a bit of complexity when configuring your printers for the first time. Since selecting printers in ShipWorks is different than doing so in most desktop applications, let's take a few minutes to understand the basics.
In this article we will use the ShipWorks software to select printers to use for printing labels, packing slips, and any other documents that you need to print.
You will need to have the ShipWorks software installed and be able to log in to it as a user with administrator rights. You will also want to be sure that your printers are installed in Windows and that they are ready for printing.
Unlike most desktop applications, where you select a single printer to print to and you're all set, ShipWorks allows you to select and save different printers to be used for each of the documents you wish to print from the ShipWorks software.
ShipWorks does this by using templates. Each template has its own settings including which printer to use. Some examples are:
Label templates - used to print shipping labels
Packing Slip templates - used to print packing slips
Report templates - used to generate and print reports
Pick List templates - used to print pick lists for picking products
When setting up ShipWorks for the first time, each template you wish to print needs to be pointed to the correct printer.
Great question! Let's take a look at the basic steps. Once you understand where to navigate to in ShipWorks you can select printers for any template you wish. Here's how:
Click on the Manage tab and then on the Templates button.
Select the template you wish to edit, then click on the Edit button.
Select the Settings tab. Then, select Printing.
Select the printer for this template.
Click the Save button.
Here is what the steps look like in ShipWorks.

Sure thing. Take a look at our Configuring Printers: Use Cases article. It gives a few different shipping scenarios, which templates to use for each, and gives links to related articles to help get things set up the way you need them.
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