Ship an Order Using the Shipping Panel
The Shipping Panel gives you quick access to the tools you need process shipping labels without leaving the main ShipWorks screen or opening another shipping interface. You select the order you wish to ship, configure the shipment and create the label.

Before you can ship your first order you will need to:
1. Select the order you wish to ship by clicking on it. The order will be highlighted in blue. You can easily locate an order in ShipWorks by entering the order number or the customer's name into the Search All Orders box.

2. Select the Shipping Provider from the Provider: drop-down menu in the Shipping Panel.

3. If this is the first order that you are shipping, it may be a good idea to double-check that the From address is correct. Click the drop-down arrow on the right side of the From section and make changes as needed. (Hint: Making changes in the From section will only affect the current shipment. Want to learn how to permanently update your From address? Check out Configuring Origin Addresses.)

4. You can also check the To address by expanding the To section. If the address has not been validated yet, you can also validate the address now.

5. Next, configure the correct Service, Packaging, Weight, and Dimensions in the Shipment Details section of the Shipping Panel.

Import Weights and Dimensions
Did you know that you can import weights from a connected scale? You can also import weights and dimensions with a connected Cubiscan dimensioner!
Manually import weights and dimensions - Click the Import weight button to manually import the weight and dimensions into the shipment being configured.
With a keyboard shortcut - Press CTRL + SHIFT + W when configuring a shipment.
With a barcode scan - Scan a barcode to import the weight and dimensions.
Automatically - Tell ShipWorks to automatically import the weight and dimensions for you when you load an order.
6. Review the rates for your configured shipment in the Rates panel. You can select any of the services shown in the Rates panel by clicking on it.

7. Click the Create Label button to process the shipment and print the shipping label.

That's it. Your label will print to your label printer.
In the event that you no longer need a shipping label for any reason, you can quickly void the shipping label.
One Balance
Did you know that when you ship using One Balance, the funds are refunded to your account right away? Not familiar with One Balance? Learn more here.
Here's how to void a label:
1. With the order selected, click on the Void button located on the Shipping tab.

2. Click the OK button to confirm that you wish to void the shipment.

The shipment will be voided and the status will be updated in the Shipping Panel.

In the event that you need to generate an additional shipping label for an order, you can do so easily. Here's how:
1. With the order selected, click on the Ship Again button located on the Shipping tab.

After clicking the Ship Again button, a new shipment is created and loaded onto the Ship Orders screen automatically for you.

2. Update the shipment details as needed (Provider, Service, Weight, Dimensions, etc.).

3. Once you have updated any shipping settings that need to be updated, click on the Create Label button to generate the shipping label.
The label will be printed to the label printer you have configured in ShipWorks.

The Shipping Ribbon gives you the ability to apply Shipping Profiles to your shipments. Shipping Profiles allow you to save and apply groups of default shipping settings to your shipments. Want to learn more? See our articles on creating and managing Shipping Profiles.

Using the Ship Orders screen to process shipments gives your more flexibility than the Shipping Panel when shipping, such as the ability to batch process shipments.
Learn about processing shipments with the Ship Orders screen.
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