Magento 1: Add a Store with MagentoConnect - (v5.8 or greater)
ShipWorks connects directly to your Magento account. With one click, or on an automated schedule, your orders are downloaded from Magento. As soon as you process a shipment, ShipWorks communicates the updated order status, shipping method and tracking information back to Magento.
This article will guide you through how to connect your Magento 1 store to ShipWorks using the MagentoConnect ShipWorks extension.
Before you begin, please make sure that:
So that you can be sure that you have access to all of the latest tools and features that ShipWorks has to offer and so that you can ensure the steps in this article will work for you, we recommend making sure that you are running the latest version of the ShipWorks software. For assistance with checking your version of ShipWorks or with upgrading to the latest version, please see this help article.
You have your Magento admin username and password.
1. Launch your web browser and go to
2. Click the Sign In link located at the top, right of the page.
3. If you already have a Magento Marketplace account, sign in using your email address and password associated to Magento. Otherwise, click on the Register button to create an account. Once the account is created, log in.
4. Once you are logged in, click on the Search Icon at the top of the page. Then, type ShipWorks into the search bar and press Enter on your keyboard.
5. On the search results page there are 2 results shown. The first is for the Magento 1 extension and the second is for Magento 2. Click on the first search result.
6. Verify that Add to Cart page states Magento 1. Then, click the Add to Cart button.
6. Click Go to Checkout.
7. Even though the extension is free, Magento still requires you to fill out the information on the Payment Details screen. Click the Place Order button. You should be presented with a thank you message.
8. At the top of the Magento webpage, click on the drop-down menu with your username. Then, select My Account.
9. On the My Account page, click on My Access Keys.
10. Verify that the Magento 1 tab is selected. You will then see that the ShipWorks extension is available. You will need to copy the Access Key from this page in just a moment. So, stay on this page.
1. Open a new web browser window and log into your Magento 1 admin panel.
2. Once you are logged in, click on the System tab. Then, click Magento Connect Magento Connection Manager.
3. When prompted, enter your Magento administrator username and password. Then, click Log In.
4. Switch back to the My Access Keys page from step 10 in the previous section of this article.
5. Click the button to the right of the Access Key.
6. Switch back to the MagentoConnect Manager page. Click inside of the Paste extension key to install: field and press CTRL + V on your keyboard to paste the access key you just copied. Then, click on the Install button.
7. Click on the Proceed button located under Extension Dependencies.
8. The extension will now install. When completed, you will see the extension listed.
1. Log into your Magento 1 admin panel.
2. Go to the System tab, and select Web Services SOAP/XML-RPC Roles.
3. Click the Add New Role button at the top right.
4. Enter ShipWorks as the Role Name. Then, enter your current Magento Admin Password. (This is the password for the admin user you are currently logged in as.)
5. Click the Save Role button.
6. Click on Role Resourses located on the left side of the page.
7. On the Edit Role screen, scroll down until you find the folder named Sales. Check the box to the left of the Sales folder. This will automatically select all of the permissions related to Sales.
8. Click the Save Role button at the top of the page. If prompted, enter your admin password and click Save Role again.
9. Go to the System tab, and select Web Services SOAP/XML-RPC Users.
10. Click on the Add New User button.
11. Fill out the following fields:
Note: * indicates information you will need to remember and will be entering into ShipWorks.
User Name (You will enter this into ShipWorks)*
First Name (Not used in ShipWorks but required by Magento)
Last Name (Not used in ShipWorks but required by Magento)
Email (Not used in ShipWorks but required by Magento)
Current Admin Password (the password for the user you are currently logged in as)
API Key (You will enter this into ShipWorks. It can be 6 characters or more).*
API Key Confirm (Same as the API Key)
This Account is: Active
12. Click the Save User button.
13. On the left side of the screen, click on the User Role link.
14. Select the ShipWorks role you just created in the previous steps. Then, click Save User.
15. If prompted, enter the Current Admin Password and click Save User.
3. Select Magento 1 as the Version.
4. Enter the Account Credentials for your Magento store. Then, click Next.
Username: - the username you created in the above steps.
Password: - This is listed as the API key you created when adding the user in Magento.
Store URL: - Your Magento website address.
5. On the Store Information screen, enter the store Name and Address. Then, click Next.
6. Enter the additional Contact Information for your store. Then, click Next.
Note: This information is optional.
7. By default, ShipWorks downloads the previous 30 days of orders during the first download from your Magento store. You may edit this by clicking on the Edit link.
8. We recommend leaving the setting checked for Mark the order as Complete in Magento and upload the shipment details.
9. If you wish for Magento to send a shipment notification email to your customers, check the box for Magento should email the customer that the order was completed.
10. Click Next. Then, click Finish.
Your Magento orders will automatically begin to download.
Still Need Help?
Please feel free to reach out to one of our awesome Technical Support Representatives in St. Louis. We are happy to help.
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