Groupon: Add in the ShipWorks Hub
ShipWorks connects directly to your Groupon account. With one click, or on an automated schedule, your orders are downloaded from Groupon. As soon as you process a shipment, ShipWorks communicates the updated order status, shipping method and tracking information back to Groupon.
In order to connect Groupon to ShipWorks you will need:
Your Groupon Supplier ID
Access to your Groupon Access Tokens
Log in to your Groupon account.
Go to Account Settings, then Account Information. Copy your Supplier ID from the URL (the last numbers in the URL.)
Your Groupon account manager can also provide you with the Supplier ID.
Access your Groupon Access Tokens. You can generate a Token for ShipWorks by clicking here.
Enter a New Token Label, and click Create Token.
Click Settings.
Click the Connect Order Source button.
Click the Groupon button.
Enter a name for the order source. This is the name that will display for the store connection in the ShipWorks client.
Enter the Groupon Supplier ID and Token Then, click the Next button.
Enter the contact info and address of your Groupon store. This will be downloaded into the ShipWorks software as the store address and contact information. Then, click the Next button.
Verify that you wish for ShipWorks to upload the shipment details to Groupon when a shipment is processed. The default is to Upload my online orders with the shipment details. Then, click the Finish button.
Your Groupon store will be added and will display in the Order Sources section of the Settings screen.
Modify the connection to Groupon and/or the store configuration in the ShipWorks Hub. Here's how:
Click on the Edit button to the right of Groupon in the Order Sources section of the Settings screen.
Select to edit either the store Connection or store Settings.
Connection: This option allows you to update or change how ShipWorks connects to Groupon.
Settings: This option allows you to update
Address: The address associated to your Groupon store in ShipWorks
Desktop Settings: The name associated to the Groupon store in ShipWorks, how orders manually entered in ShipWorks are handled, and Address Validation settings for this store.
Sync Groupon with the ShipWorks Software
After successfully adding Groupon as an order source in the ShipWorks Hub it is recommended that you exit the ShipWorks client software and relaunch it. This will force the ShipWorks software to resync with the Hub so that it can configure the Groupon connection and download orders.
After syncing with the Groupon order source in the Hub:
A new Groupon store will be added in Manage > Stores.
Note that when editing the store in the ShipWorks client software, the store address, manual store settings, and store connection are grayed out and must be edited in the ShipWorks Hub.
A new Filter will be created for orders downloaded from Groupon.
The available Groupon orders will be downloaded.
Still Need Help?
Please feel free to reach out to one of our awesome Technical Support Representatives in St. Louis. We are happy to help.
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