View Shipments Delivery Status
Track the status of your shipments using ShipWorks' Delivery Status option. Enable the Delivery Status field and monitor the Delivery Status of your shipments to gain insights as to when a shipment has been delivered to your customer or if an exception has occurred.
Create a Filter to filter orders by the Delivery Status field to quickly identify orders by their shipment's delivery status. Learn how to create a Delivery Status filter.
In order to use the Delivery Status feature in ShipWorks you must running version 9.6 or later.
The Delivery Status field can be viewed:
In the Shipments panel
On the Ship Orders screen
On the History screen
Ensure that the Shipments Panel is available in ShipWorks. Click on the View tab, then on the Show Panels button and select Shipments.
Right-click on any column heading within the Shipments panel to open the Column Order and Visibility screen.
Locate the Delivery Status option in the list of available columns. Then, check the checkbox to the right of the Delivery Status option to display the column in the Shipments panel. (Hint: The Delivery Status option is near the bottom of the list.)
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to reorder the columns in the Shipments panel.
Click anywhere outside of the Column Order and Visibility Screen to close it.
The Delivery Status column is displayed in the Shipments panel.

Open the Ship Orders screen. Select at least one order in the Orders grid, click on the Home tab, then click on the Ship Orders button.
Click the Grid Settings link at the bottom of the Shipments panel to open the Column Order and Visibility screen.
Locate the Delivery Status option in the list of available columns. Then, check the checkbox to the right of the Dilivery Status option to display the column in the Shipments panel. (Hint: The Delivery Status option is near the bottom of the list.)
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to reorder the columns in the Shipments panel.
Click anywhere outside of the Column Order and Visibility Screen to close it.
The Delivery Status column will be displayed.

Click the History tab.
Right-click on any column heading to open the Column Order and Visibility screen.
Locate the Delivery Status option in the list of available columns. Then, check the checkbox to the right of the Dilivery Status option to display the column in the Shipments panel. (Hint: The Delivery Status option is near the bottom of the list.)
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to reorder the columns in the Shipments panel.
Click anywhere outside of the Column Order and Visibility Screen to close it.
The Delivery Status column will be displayed on the History screen.

Delivery Statuses
Shipments processed in ShipWorks prior to upgrading to ShipWorks version 9.6 or later will not display delivery statuses. Only shipments processed using ShipWorks version 9.6 or later will display delivery statuses.
The possible Delivery Statuses are:
Not Tracked: ShipWorks will not track this shipment. Either it is a shipment processed prior to upgrading to ShipWorks version 9.6 or later, the shipment was shipped with an unsupported carrier, or the shipment has not yet been processed.
Pending: The shipment has been processed, but no request for a delivery status has been submitted yet.
Awaiting Update: The shipment has been processed and a request for a delivery status update has been submitted. However, no update has yet been received by ShipWorks.
In Transit
Delivery Attempt
Not Yet In System
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