Amazon: Add a Store to ShipWorks
ShipWorks connects directly to your Amazon Seller Central account via the Amazon API. With one click, or on an automated schedule, your orders are downloaded from As soon as you process a shipment, ShipWorks communicates the updated order status, shipping method, and tracking information back to ShipWorks supports Amazon US, Amazon CA, Amazon DE, Amazon ES, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon MX, and Amazon UK.
This article will guide you through the process of connecting your Amazon Seller Central Store to the ShipWorks software.
If you need only to update your Amazon store credentials in ShipWorks, please see the Amazon: Update Store Credentials help article.
Please ensure the following prior to adding Amazon to ShipWorks:
You are running ShipWorks version 9.9 or later
You logged in to ShipWorks as a user with administrator rights
You have your Amazon Seller Central login username and password
Click on the Manage tab, then on the Stores button. Then, click Add Store.
Select Amazon from the What platform do you sell on? drop-down menu. Then, click the Next button.
Select the country for the Amazon store you are connecting from the What country are you selling from? drop-down menu.
Enter the number of days (between 1 and 30 days) of order history to import into ShipWorks on the initial download. Then, click Next.
Click the Create Amazon Token button. A web browser window will open and take you to Amazon Seller Central.
Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account.
Authorize ShipWorks by checking the checkbox on the Authorize ShipWorks screen. Then, click the Confirm button.
If prompted, select the Merchant and Marketplace to which you are connecting ShipWorks.
The browser window will refresh and display your authorization token.
Click the Copy Token button. Then, switch back to the ShipWorks software.
Paste the token into the 2: Enter the Amazon Token field. Then, click Next.
Enter the Name and Address of your store and click Next.
The store name is used to reference this store within the ShipWorks software. The address will be used as the ship from address for this store.
Enter the Contact Information for your Amazon store. Then, click Next.
Review the default setup options on the Store Setup screen. Then, click Next.
We recommend leaving Update my online orders with the shipment details option checked so that ShipWorks can automatically update Amazon with shipment details.
ShipWorks is now connected to your Amazon store. Click Finish to exit the setup wizard.
Orders Download Automatically
By default, Amazon will download new orders every 15 minutes. After completing the Amazon setup wizard, it may take a few minutes for your Amazon orders to import into ShipWorks.
Still Need Help?
Please feel free to reach out to one of our awesome Technical Support Representatives in St. Louis. We are happy to help.
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