Access To Old Forums?



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    Karla S.

    Good morning Kory!

    Thanks for your suggestion! Unfortunately we were not able to migrate the information from the old forum. Sadly, it's something we no longer had access to. We do agree it would be a great resource for our customers. I hope that our new forum will grow to be just as much of a resource as before. Please don't hesitate to submit your questions/concerns via any of our communication channels (forum, email or phone).

    Thank you,


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    Christa Haase

    One added benefit of the internet's taking away your right to be forgotten is that it can potentially give you access to information you'd rather did not get lost. If you have the old web forum links you can check an internet archive (such as the wayback machine) to see if you can locate the information. 

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    Philip Doolittle

    I second what Christa said. Those databases were a treasure chest of information that needs to be found, reformatted, and added here. Also, without that data here to be viewed, visits here are almost zero. Which means that the question I am about to post will be read by very few.

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