Best Rate to Show Flat Rate



  • Official comment
    Robert K.

    Hello Jeff,

    Thank you for your interest in the ShipWorks Best Rate feature! Your idea is greatly appreciated and is something that our team is looking into as a possibility for a future feature expansion. We hope to have more information to share with you in the not too distant future.

    Thank you,

    Robert K

    ShipWorks | Technical Support Representative – Tier 2

    One Memorial Drive, 20th Floor, Saint Louis, MO  63102 | 800.952.7784

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    Andrew Eckhardt


    If you haven't already, take the time to figure out if your shipments can utilize cubic pricing. The shipping rates under cubic pricing are better than regional or flat rate and then your packers don't have to figure out which box to use. 


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    Adam M.

    Just for reference, all you need for the best USPS rates in ShipWorks is to make sure you enter dimensions on your shipment!

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    Toby Truman

    Heya, I've just found out about Cubic pricing.  When I enter my dimensions into Shipworks, I don't get any cubic pricing options.  Can you let me know how to set that up?


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    Andrew Eckhardt


    The cubic pricing doesn't appear as a seperate shipping type in Shipworks.


    Instead the cubic pricing comes through in the price of the shipping. You can test this by altering the dimensions just enough to kick your box to the next cubic tier and see how the price changes.

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    Toby Truman

    Heya, I just tried that...I changed from 8x6x4 to 10x8x6, which should change from tier 2 to tier 3...the same price shows $7.65.  My prices only change based on weight right now.  Should it be under the Priority Mail category?

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    Andrew Eckhardt

    What weight are you using and what zip code to what zip code?

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    Toby Truman

    0 lbs...37091 to 80951

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    Toby Truman

    I am using for my that possibly an issue?

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    Andrew Eckhardt

    If you are actually using 0lbs, the problem is probably related to weight. In my tests you need to get above 1lb before things start changing.

    Try 4lbs, priority.


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    Toby Truman

    Thanks for trying to assist!  No 4lbs I am showing $10.03 and I've changed it all the way from 6x4x2 to essentially the highest for Cubic at 12x12x6.

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    Andrew Eckhardt

    That is odd. I would inquire with Shipworks actual support.

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    Viri Kozma

    Hi Toby!

    We would like to have one of our representatives reach out and take a look! I will be creating a ticket for your issue and we will have someone reach out to you ASAP!


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    Toby Truman

    Thank you ma'am, I have created one with y'all also!

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