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    Carl commented,

    I reformatted the date string I had to fit the datetime format and this worked wonderfully.   With a few logic steps to calculate a transit time based on order state, this allows us to automaticall...

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    Carl commented,

    Thanks Nathan - I think I'm close on this, but unfortunately I keep crashing Shipworks when I try to get the last step. Here's the code I'm trying: ================================================ ...

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    Carl commented,

    Thanks very much for this Nathan. When I copy and paste I get an error "XSLT compile error. Could not find file 'source10.xsl'. Line: 55 , Position: 1"  Line 55 is the first line after the last </x...

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    Carl commented,

    Any progress on this? I was hoping that there is just a "addworkdays" type function, but otherwise I could put in a check to see if the day is a Saturday or Sunday and if so subtract another one or...

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    Carl commented,

    Hi Nathan - Is there any way to adapt this function to only add or subtract business days? We would like to calculate a "ship by date" by subtracting some number of business days from a date stored...