Magento: Add a Store in ShipWorks
Magento currently supports Magento 1 with or without MagentoConnect. Our direct integration with Magento makes it easy to add your Magento 1 store to ShipWorks, so you can get shipping as soon as possible.
If you do not have a MagentoConnect account, follow these instructions:
Add a Magento 1 Store Without MagentoConnect- (prior to ShipWorks version 5.8)
If you have a MagentoConnect account, follow these instructions:
Add a Magento 1 Store with MagentoConnect - (prior to ShipWorks version 5.8)
Add a Magento 1 Store with MagentoConnect - (ShipWorks version 5.8 or greater)
Magento 2
Add a Magento 2 Store with the Magento 2 ShipWorks Extension - (prior to ShipWorks version 5.8)
Add a Magento 2 Store - (ShipWorks version 5.8 or greater)
Update how Magento connects to ShipWorks- (version 5.8 or greater)
Still Need Help?
Please feel free to reach out to one of our awesome Technical Support Representatives in St. Louis. We are happy to help.
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