Walmart: Add a Store to ShipWorks
ShipWorks connects directly to your Walmart Seller Center account via the Walmart API. With one click, or on an automated schedule, your orders are downloaded from Walmart. As soon as you process a shipment, ShipWorks communicates the updated order status, shipping method and tracking information back to Walmart.
This article will guide you through how to add Walmart Seller Center to the ShipWorks Software. For information on how to connect Walmart in The Hub, please see Walmart: Add a Store in The Hub.
If you already have Walmart connected to ShipWorks and need assistance with updating the store connection to use the new Walmart please see our article, Walmart: Update Connection to oAuth.
Note: ShipWorks connects to Walmart Seller Center. Walmart Supplier Center is not supported.
Also, before connecting Walmart Seller Center to ShipWorks, there are a few things you will need:
Walmart connects to ShipWorks using your Walmart Seller Center account credentials (Client ID: and Client Secret:). If you have previously created a ShipWorks Client ID and Client Secret, follow the steps in this Walmart guide to obtain your account credentials. Otherwise, you will be guided through creating these in the following steps.
You will need to be logged into ShipWorks as a user with administrator rights.
If you're just getting started with Walmart Marketplace, review Walmart's Intro to Selling guide to ensure you've completed your account setup.
1. Log in to the Walmart Developer Center.
Walmart Login Credentials
Use the same credentials you would use to access Walmart Seller Central.
2. Click on + Add a New Key For A Solution Provider.
3. Select ShipWorks from the Add a new delegated access key: drop-down menu. Then, click Next.
4. Choose Full Access from the drop-down boxes on the ShipWorks Key Permissions page. Then, click Submit.
Your ShipWorks Client ID and Client Secret will be displayed for you. Stay on this screen as you will need to copy your ID and Secret into ShipWorks in a few moments.
3. On the Account Credentials screen, enter your Walmart-issued Client ID: and Client Secret. Click Next.
Copy and Paste
You created your Client ID: and Client Secret: in the previous section of this article. Copy both from the Walmart Developer portal into the correct fields in ShipWorks.
Note: For assistance with obtaining your Walmart credentials, please visit this page.
Great! You are connected. Now, you will need to fill out a few more screens.
1. On the Store Information screen, enter your Store Name: and Address:. Then, click Next.
2. Enter the additional Contact Information: for your store. Then, click Next.
Note: This information is optional.
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Please feel free to reach out to one of our awesome Technical Support Representatives in St. Louis. We are happy to help.
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