Standard (Inkjet/Laser) Printer is Only Printing Blank Pages
When your standard inkjet or laser printer prints blank pages it is often because ShipWorks is set to download labels in a thermal format instead of a standard format. This results in a “blank” page being printed with the standard template.
2. On the Shipping Settings screen, select your shipping provider from the list on the left. For this example we will select USPS.

3. In the Settings tab, click on the blue link for Defaults - [the provider name].

4. On the Shipping Profile screen, scroll down to the Labels section. Then, ensure that the Requested label format: drop-down has Standard selected.

5. Click OK to close the Shipping Profile screen.
1. You should still be on the Shipping Settings screen (Manage Shipping Settings). With the shipping provider selected, click on the Printing tab.

3. Review the Output Rules to ensure that they look like the screenshots below. If they do not match, please see the article on how to set your default printing rules.

For FedEx and UPS:

Note: The only difference between USPS and FedEx/UPS printing rules is the addition of international orders including “Commercial lnvoice” print out. This should not affect the label setup.
4. When finished, click Close.
2. On your Template Manager screen, expand the Labels folder. Select the Standard template and click Edit.

3. On the Template Editor screen, click the Settings tab and select Printing from the left-side menu.

4. Use the drop-down menu to select your standard (inkjet, laser) printer and click Save.

If you also use a thermal printer:
5. Select your Thermal template and click Edit.

6. On the Template Editor screen, select the Settings tab and choose Printing from the left-side menu.

7. Select your thermal printer from the drop-down menu.

8. Click Save and Close.
If you are using an order you’ve processed before, you will need to void the ship, and reprocess your order in order to get a new label (downloaded in the correct format).
1. Select the order you wish to ship. Then, click on the Home tab then the Ship Orders button.

2. Verify that the shipment details are correct and click the Create Label button.

3. Click Close.
The shipping label should now have printed to your selected standard inkjet or laser printer.
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